
Scholarly Reflection Paper/IntD249/KASylte Purpose:

Int D 249, The Science of Joy and Happiness Scholarly Reflection Paper Assignment (20%)

The purpose of the scholarly reflection paper is to review and evaluate the happiness project plan, and the practices required over this term. This reflection will involve a re-examination of your initial project plan and personal goals for practice, your overall motivation to practice over the term, and your dedication to practices. Reflect on how well you completed your plan with a review of what went well, what did not go well and what you might change in the future related to im plem enting joy and happiness activities and practices. One simple goal for your future joy and happiness should be included. Joy and happiness theory and research related to your experience should be referred to throughout the paper as justifications for claims. All references including lectures must be cited and referenced.


This is a scholarly reflection and so, the reflection is based on learning knowledge of joy and happiness, including theory and research. Papers should include a minimum of 2 research-based articles and at least 1 theory-based articles related to joy, happiness, mindfulness, and other learning done over the term (i.e., lectures). NOTE: Papers are not a summary of the logs – they are a reflection on the practice experiences over the term.


Strict APA format required for this scholarly reflection paper. If you have questions about APA, please check the APA 7th Edition. Information is available @ Purdue Owl. Requirements: APA format is a requirement for this paper B U T NO ABSTRACT is required. A title page and references are requirements. APA format for all citations and reference page. Paper length: The scholarly reflection paper body will a maximum of 3 double-spaced pages long plus or minus 10%, excluding title page and references. The entire paper (including title page and references) will be about 5 pages long. Presentation: Spelling, proper punctuation, and readability in terms of grammar and presentation of ideas is expected.


See Int D 249, The Science of Joy and Happiness, Scholarly Paper Rubric.