Mandisa Jones

Hello Class & Professor,

Working in a kitchen fostering solid communication is highly important. In a kitchen without communication there will be multiple errors that can impact the guests in a negative way. Communication is a key piece of having a functional and stress free work environment. In a kitchen cooks are responsible for prepping, cleaning, and even being responsible for financial duties. With those responsibilities its important that communication is the key component in having a functional and positive environment. This also helps reduce any risks of injuries on the job. What every work environment needs is transparency and empowerment. Not all team members will have the same mindset or skill set, this is where management and team members work together to build those team members self-esteem. There may be some challenges with trust at first, but when undivided attention is given all team members feel accepted. Building trust is highly important in order to have great communication. Trust is everything in the workforce and also in our personal lives. There are a few ways we can improve on our communication within the workforce. Taking the time to listen, Inspire, and watching how you're communicating. According to our reading this week (Self-esteem can be defined as a feeling of respect for oneself, a sense of confidence and satisfaction in one’s abilities (Merriam-Webster). This is why cultivating a respectful and positive work environment helps build the moral but most of thorough communication. 

Communication is the key to a successful and fruitful relationship. Communication helps build powerful teams which can help achieve outstanding outcomes. In the workforce we want out teams to be motivated and influenced in a positive way. When our leaders stand strong, it influences the team members to have the courage and strong self- esteem to communicate and be innovative. 

Have a good week everyone,


DeKay, S. H. (2012). Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace: A Largely Unexplored Region. Business Communication Quarterly75(4), 449–452.

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Crystal Fujimoto –

For this week’s post I found an article called “How to Improve Communication at Work” and it was organized by explaining 13 tips on how to communicate at work better. To build up enough courage and self-esteem at work it has to be a team effort, it would be very difficult if one person is trying and everyone else is not. Communication is when you talk, type, or share your thoughts and ideas with co-workers, superiors, and underlings to accomplish task either alone or together, but in the end the mission gets accomplished. Eric Czerwonka first tip is to have the supervisor have one-on-one meetings with each employee to make sure that they are communicating with each other. At these meetings the supervisor can find out if there are any problems, share what the employee did good, or just be a place for the employee to ask their supervisor questions. During this meeting it’s important for both parties to make sure they are paying attention and really listening to each other. Building confidence in the work place starts with a good supervisor-employee relationship, the employee’s must be comfortable working and communicating with their immediate supervisor at the very least then later on can build from there with their co-workers or vice versa.

If the workplace is a positive environment with everyone open to communication and not taking work subjects personal then it would boost self-esteem. I have experienced both productive and toxic work environments. It’s good when everyone communicates well with each other and solve issues together. It’s hard to work in a place where everyone is competing against each other, takes things personal, doesn’t communicate with each other, and creates a negative vibe in the office. Working in a bad office environment can slowly change if you put in the effort, as Czewonka’s 6th tip explains that communication goes both ways, if your supervisor is not good at communicating then you as an underling can ask for more information or explaining. I say that one can slowly change the work environment since the employee may also just give up trying to change the workplace for the better and just find a new job or transfer offices. If the employee feels hopeless at work being the only one in their whole workplace trying, then that can be a huge barrier.


Czerwonka, E. (2021,October 21). How to improve communication at work. Buddy Punch.

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