

Should We Really Behave Like Economists Say We Do?

Should We Really Behave Like Economists Say We Do?

Define who homo economicus is.

Delete this and Insert Your Answer Here

Who is Richard Thaler?

Delete this and Insert Your Answer Here

Describe the experiment Rosalsky uses on the subway.

Delete this and Insert Your Answer Here

What advice does Thaler give Rosalsky regarding choosing a girlfriend/asking someone to be his girlfriend?

Delete this and Insert Your Answer Here

Should We Really Behave Like Economists Say We Do?

Describe below Rosalsky’s date at the Empire State Building Observatory.

Do you think we should make big decisions (partner choice, marriage, college, kids) acting like an econ?

Should We Really Behave Like Economists Say We Do?

Acting Like Homo Economicus Versus Acting Like a Human with Emotions
Upsides of Acting Like an EconDownsides of Acting Like an Econ

Do real Econs/homo economicus exist? Why or why not? Do you think we should act this way?

Delete this and insert your answer here.

What does behaving rationally and irrationally mean? Do you personally behave rationally?

Delete this and insert your answer here.

Extra Credit!—Delete This and Insert the title of the Freakonomics Episode you listened to. Once you’ve done this, hyperlink it.

What are 5 things you learned by listening to this particular episode of Freakonomics?

Delete and insert 1st thing learned.

Delete and insert 2nd thing learned.

Delete and insert 3rd thing learned.

Delete and insert 4th thing learned.

Delete and insert 5th thing learned.

How does this episode of Freakonomics relate to economics? Be specific.

Delete this and insert how this relates to economics.

Feel free to use additional slides if you need to.