
Final Anthology Proposal

This proposal consists of a one-page outline briefly describing your anthology. Your proposal must include:

1.     A working anthology title.

2.     A theme, concept, or question: What theme, concept, or question is your anthology addressing? To help you answer this question, think about why you want to create this collection of literature and for whom? What makes this anthology (or collection of literature) different from others?

3.     A list of two (2) materials from our course syllabus:

· You are welcome to choose any of the materials we've engaged EXCEPT Cathy Park Hong's chapters.

4.    In addition to the two items above, you must include three (3) outside material of your choosing (this could be a text, essay, film, book, chapter, poetry, film, or another work of art such as a painting, illustration, or song – if a painting or sculpture, you will need to include a photo of it).

5.      For each item, indicate why you are including it in the anthology. Does the item respond to your theme or question? How so? How do these materials build on each other?

6.      Conclusion: Why is your chosen theme, concept, or question important to understand today?