film critique

In your introduction, be sure to provide some context to the film… when was it made? What is the “history” that preceded the events of the.This helps the reader in interpreting your comments in context to the storyworld of the film.

To avoid confusion, always use the character’s name from the film (note for future reviews); the first time you provide the character’s full name, followed by the actor’s name (in parentheses), then just the character’s first name thereafter. Also, according to APA style, when referencing the film by name in your review please italicize the film’s title.

You did not follow APA format (7th Edition) for the in-text citation style as presented in the specifications sheet for these assignments (that would include the director, film’s release date, and the beginning and ending times in hours:minutes:seconds).

You did not follow APA format (7th Edition) for the in-text citation style as presented in the specifications sheet for these assignments (that would include the director, film’s release date, and the beginning and ending times in hours:minutes:seconds).

Good to discuss the mise-en-scne in your chosen scene the cinematography and you should devote your attention to this aspect of the Formal Analysis of the explicit representations of character mood and emotional tone in the selected scene/sequence. That said, your formal analysis you need to start using the film terms we have covered in class at this point. At this point, I want to encourage you to consider using screenshots from your chosen scene or action sequence to help illustrate your analysis
Your Critical Review of the chosen scene or sequence should draw from your earlier formal analysis to identify and examine the implicit meanings contained in the scene/sequence. Here, you are to analyze how film form, genre (if applicable), narrative, mise-en-scne, &/or cinematography help illustrate the implicit meaning the sensitive viewer would understand in the scene/sequence under formal analysis.