Select one research design/approach 

I have selected a qualitative case study research design to allow me to gain concrete, contextual knowledge regarding the correlation between suicide and addiction disorders.  According to Rosenberg et al. (2007), case study designs are essential to the research in nursing and the social sciences.  This type of study typically uses qualitative methods such as interviews, observation, and analysis of primary and secondary sources such as newspapers, articles, and the patient's medical records for data collection. 

Elaborate on why the chosen approach is appropriate

A case study design will support me while attempting to analyze the circumstances surrounding the phenomenon of suicide as it relates to individuals with a history of substance use disorder (SUD).  In addition, case study design can allow me to propose practical courses of action to support this population of patients. Using a case study approach will assist me in obtaining descriptive information, trends, and a better understanding of the circumstances surrounding the increased rates of suicide in addiction patients. Finally, case study designs are a viable alternative to more traditional research approaches that allow flexibility if unexpected events occur during data collection (Jones & Lyons, 2004).



Jones, C., & Lyons, C. (2004). Case study: Design? Method? Or comprehensive strategy? Nurse Researcher, 11(3), 70-76.

Rosenberg, J. P., & Yates, P. M. (2007). Schematic representation of case study research designs. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 60(4), 447-452. 



Research Design/Approach

          The design or approach that could be used in the development of the chosen topic would be a correlational approach. According to Seeram (2019) “correlational research is a type of non-experimental research that facilitates prediction and explanation of the relationship among variables” (p. 176). In correlational research there is an investigation on the relationship between variables and the person conducting the investigation cannot control or manipulate them. Researchers can use correlational research to uncover variables that interact and the type of interactions that take place, allowing them to make predictions based on the relationships found (Seeram, 2019).

Why the chosen Design/Approach 

            According to Rumrill (2004) the correlational research approach seeks to investigate how different variables that cannot be manipulated affect outcomes. This approach will provide the most transparent and realistic solution to an issue that has become the norm in many healthcare settings. The variables that will be observed will be increased nurse staffing, and balanced nurse staffing, and the effect they have on healthcare outcomes on day 3 of a hospitalization. Increased nurse staffing refers to a favorable nurse-to-patient ratio, while balanced nurse staffing refers to a favorable ration of experienced and unexperienced nurse through every shift. Through correlational research there will be more clarity gained on how these variables affect the bottom line of healthcare outcomes.


 Rumrill PD  Jr. (2004). Speaking of research. Non-manipulation quantitative designs. Work, 22(3), 255-260.  

Seeram, E. (2019). An overview of correlational research. Radiologic Technology, 91(2), 176-179.