
This assignment will help you:

Define plagiarism.
Discuss resources, tools, and strategies that are available to help prevent plagiarism.
Submit a paper to, and retrieve feedback from, Turnitin.
This assignment will familiarize you with the University’s policy regarding Academic Integrity and how it relates specifically to plagiarism. It will also introduce you to Turnitin, a tool used by the University to assist faculty and students to ensure that sources are properly cited. You will submit the first draft of your paper, and during this process it will be automatically checked by Turnitin. You’ll receive a report back, make any revisions as needed based on the feedback, and then re-submit your paper for grading.

plagiarism (noun):

A piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work.
The act of plagiarizing; taking someone’s words or ideas as if they were your own.
From this definition of plagiarism, it is quite evident why it cannot be tolerated by the University. Tolerating plagiarism undermines the value of your degree and condones cheating. Please remember that plagiarism also includes submitting an assignment that has previously been submitted by you in another course and/or facilitating academic dishonesty by making your completed assignments available for another student to copy.

For more information on plagiarism, review the Understanding Plagiarism (Links to an external site.) page on the Learning Strategies library website.

To help you to make sure that you have cited all of your sources, you will use Turnitin to check your paper. This service provides you with a report indicating any word-for-word matches between your paper and any material that it has in its database.

If your Turnitin report indicates a high plagiarism match, do not panic! You will have an opportunity to make sure that the source matched by Turnitin has been appropriately cited according to APA citation guidelines. When you revise a section of your paper that has been flagged for possible plagiarism, you have two options:

Paraphrase material from your sources more carefully.
Create in-text citations that clearly attribute ideas to the original authors.
Action Items
Review the Franklin University policy on academic integrity (Links to an external site.).
Download this sample APA paper template  Download sample APA paper template  to use for writing your paper, and review the APA Style Library Guide (Links to an external site.) for assistance with formatting if needed.
Write a 1-page paper responding to the following questions in your own words:
What does plagiarism mean to you?
What are the penalties for academic dishonesty at Franklin University?
What are your own personal reasons for avoiding academic dishonesty?
What tools are available for you at Franklin University to avoid plagiarism?
Save your paper as a Word document. Remember to use spellcheck and read your paper carefully!
Submit the completed first draft of your assignment. Your work will automatically be checked by Turnitin.
Access your Turnitin report by reviewing your Submission Details for this assignment. Revise your work as needed based on the feedback.
See this help page (Links to an external site.) for more information on how to access your report.
By the due date indicated, re-submit the final version of your work.
Grading Criteria
Paper assignment completed using APA format: 65 points
Cover page and References page completed: 10 points
Plagiarism and Turnitin
Plagiarism and Turnitin
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Content Requirements of the assignment; clarity of main idea; relevancy to content; quality of content
35 to >27.0 pts
The student answers all of the required questions in the assignment. Main ideas are very clear. Content is all relevant to the material learned in the class/textbook. Content is correct and of high quality.
27 to >24.0 pts
The student answers most of the required questions in the assignment. Main ideas are generally clear. Content is generally relevant to the material learned in the class/textbook. Content is generally correct and of high quality.
24 to >0 pts
The student answers none or only some of the required questions in the assignment. Main ideas are confusing or somewhat confusing. Content is irrelevant or somewhat irrelevant to the material learned in the class/textbook. Content is incorrect or somewhat incorrect and of low quality.
35 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Analysis/Synthesis Analysis of the information; synthesis of information and materials
30 to >23.0 pts
The student provides abundant evidence of analysis; the information is understood and integrated well. Synthesis of information and materials provides abundant evidence of critical thought.
23 to >20.0 pts
The student provides evidence of analysis; the information is understood and integrated overall. Synthesis of information and materials provides evidence of critical thought.
20 to >0 pts
The student provides no or only some evidence of analysis; the information is not understood and integrated well. Synthesis of information and materials provides no or only some evidence of critical thought.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Cover Page, APA, Grammar, and Mechanics
10 to >7.0 pts
Consistently follows APA guidelines for writing skills, formatting, citing, and referencing sources. The assignment contains no notable spelling, grammatical, and/or other errors.
7 to >6.0 pts
Consistently follows APA guidelines for writing skills, formatting, citing, and referencing sources. The assignment has few spelling, grammatical, and/or other errors.
6 to >0 pts
Does not consistently follow APA guidelines for writing skills, formatting, citing, and referencing sources. The assignment has many spelling, grammatical, and/or other errors.