

The rough draft must be a minimum of 2 pages in length and have a separate title page and works cited

page. You must work from your outline and start putting your thoughts into paragraph form.

Country Economic Breakdown Project: Macroeconomics

You will select a country and do a complete country economic breakdown. Within the economic breakdown you will

be looking for the following information:

1. Economic Structure: What category best describes this economy? Market System, Command System, Hybrid. You

might better recognize these systems as Capitalism, Communism and Socialism. What economic factors lead you to

pick your label?

2. Tax System: How does this country collect taxes? What type of income tax system is used? If they have a

progressive or regressive system, what are the different brackets and levels? Are there corporate taxes? Are there

any other type of taxes that jump out at you?

3. Banking and Money Creation: Who is in charge of the banking industry? In the United States it is the Federal

Reserve. In the country you've selected, who controls the money? What tools do they use to ensure proper money

management policies?

4. Fiscal Policy: Does this country use fiscal policy? If so, please use two recent examples of fiscal policy.

5. Monetary Policy: Does this country use monetary policy? If so, please use two recent examples of monetary policy.

Ultimately you will break down your country's economic make up. Feel free to compare and contrast the different

economic points with that of the United States. You may not select the United States as the country for your project.