
Discussion Post 4 (Week 14)

Initial Post (2 paragraphs) 

This week's readings offer two very different viewpoints and arguments concerning slavery in the 1840s and 1850s. While Henry Highland Garnet's appeal to enslaved peoples encouraged them to rebel, John C. Calhoun argues that slavery is somehow beneficial for enslaved peoples. In Garnet's paper, how does he use common narratives- religion, the American Revolution, humanity, etc.- to appeal to both enslaved and free peoples? Why do you think it was actually rejected by the National Negro Convention in 1843? On the flip side, what arguments does Calhoun make that slavey is a "positive good?" Why is he making this appeal at this particular moment? Please answer these questions using 2-3 examples from the readings or lectures in your initial comment. 

 Response Posts (1 paragraph each) 

You should read your classmates’ posts and provide brief but thoughtful comments on at least two of them. You should not feel obliged to agree or disagree, though you may. Use your comments to foster further thinking and discussion that draw upon the details of the readings. You will not receive credit for superficial comments such as “good point” or “I agree with what you’re saying.”