discussion response

write two different posts, about one page each (subject – Introduction to energy finance)

You need to post a link in every forum regardless of whether you have Student’s Choice or not. Be aware that articles from “Investopedia” and “Wikipedia” do not count…you need to be more academic than that.

The topic for the last two discussions for this semester is open discussion. This means that you may choose a topic (or topics) to discuss. You have been conducting searches all semester on various energy related topics for the discussion forums and Excel projects. You have likely come across energy industry stories or news that is very interesting, but was not necessarily on topic for that weeks discussion. Introduce some of these interesting topics in this weeks discussion in order to open them up for dialogue. Anything that is related to previous discussion topics that was not included in that previous discussion is also welcome.

topics covered so far,
introduction to energy finance and economics
Sustainable energy: myths and realities
the economics of renewable energy
Financial statement analysis of oil and gas companies
petroleum economics, risk and opportunity analysis
financial options, real options, and energy industry applications of real options.