Discussion Post

Discussion “The Road Not Taken”

Please read this poem and answer questions down below

The Road Not Taken

1. “Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.”
Explain this quote in your own words. Do you agree with the speaker? Explain why or why not.


2. Also reply to both answers

In Robert Frost’s “The Route Not Taken,” the concept of “way leads on to way” suggests that a life choice leads to further choices, making it very difficult to go back and take the other road. Even if the other road could be chosen later, it would definitely not provide the same experience as if it had been taken the first time.
The poem ends with the quote “And that has made all of the difference.” The quote clarifies that his decision has had a significant impact on his life. He has chosen to live a life that is unpopular and free. He’s undecided about how he feels about it. He claims he’ll recount this story with a sigh since he’ll be sorry he’ll never know what the alternative path could have offered him. It’s also possible that the sigh could be one of pride or satisfaction.


5. I disagree, I feel that he doesnt have regret but possible wonder what his life would have been if he would have taken the other path. To me this poem is more of coming to ages. One must deceide what course they would like to take. Most people often have to make a hard choice and not know what the other outcome could have been. Two roads diverges in a wood, that is paths one must take in life, either go down the road with others and be a follower or take the one that is less traveled. Meaning take the safe path or take risk and follow your dreams. People do often wonder about the paths they take in life. In the back of ones mind you wonder if you took the right path in life most people do regret not going a different way and not taking the risk of the unknown of that other path.
