Develop a 3-year strategic plan and marketing strategy using PowerPoint with speaker notes

 ScenarioThe healthcare industry continues to face many challenges such as rising costs, consumer prices, prescription costs, lost revenue, mergers, and acquisitions. Most organizations are trying to address these barriers by implementing quality improvement strategies. You are about to graduate from Rasmussen College and are looking to land a job in the healthcare industry. After several weeks of research, networking, and submitting job applications, you receive a call from a talent acquisition specialist with Testing Health, Inc. After the initial phone interview, she tells you how impressed she is with your resume, skills, and knowledge, and so she would like to move forward with the next steps in the hiring process.She informs you that the next step will be to provide the hiring manager an opportunity to view your knowledge and understanding of strategic planning and marketing. You have been given a week to prepare a PowerPoint presentation with voiceover narration. You will provide the talent acquisition specialist with the presentation via email, and she will forward it to the hiring manager for review.To prepare your strategic plan and marketing presentation you will need to review the website of a company of your choosing within the healthcare industry. You will review the about page, mission, vision, services they provide, their target audience, any news or current mergers and acquisitions, and their last quarterly report. Based on your review, identify a mock, quality-improvement focus area. You will create a PowerPoint presentation outlining a 3-year strategic plan and marketing strategy based on your identified focus area, which may include adding or eliminating services, products, or staff for the company you researched.


Develop a 3-year strategic plan and marketing strategy using PowerPoint with speaker notes that includes the following:

  • Strategic Plan that includes the following components:
    • The companys current mission and vision statements
  • Create a flowchart to describe the remaining components
    • Focus area (at least 2 key goals)
    • Objectives (3-4 which defines each goal)
    • Strategies with timelines (How you will achieve each objective?)
  • Marketing Strategy that includes a flowchart slide and the following components:
    • Marketing objective (statement of what the company wants to achieve)
    • The target audience
    • Marketing communication strategy (e.g., radio, tv, or Internet)
    • Timelines of how the marketing strategy will be executed

    Your assignment should include a title slide and reference slide with a minimum of two Internet sources and one scholarly source, from attached documents. Rubric:-Provided clear and well-crafted vision and mission statements.-Clearly a clear and well-crafted focus area with two key goals.-Created clear and well-crafted strategic objective statements, three to four that define each goal.-Created comprehensive timelines for achieving each objective.-Created a clear and well-crafted marketing objective statement.-Clearly and succinctly identified the target audience.-Created a comprehensive marketing communication strategy.-Created comprehensive timelines for achieving the marketing strategy.-Used and identified three or more credible and relevant sources.