


Millennium Health




Millennium Health

Business Profile for Millennium Health

Business Address and Details (Summary)

Company Name: Millennium Health Care Limited

Form of Business: Millennium Hospital

Trading Sector: Private Hospital

Trading Name: Health Sector

Registration No:657598

Date Registered:23rd December 2014

Company TIN No:5464-5456-4646

Email Address:[email protected]


Company Office Manager

Sheila Logan

Organizational Chart

Figure 1: Organizational Chart

Six Business Processes that Millennium Health Performs and the Personnel Responsible

I. Recruitment and management of employees based on the need within the organization and facilitation of employee benefits based on their duties. These duties are undertaken by Fred Brown, the human resource manager.

II. Preparation and management of payrolls, reporting taxes and distribution, and disbursement of the profits that have been earned by the organization. (Ricky Flemings)

III. Maintenance of all medical records of patients and by extension, the records of their visits to the hospital. (Aisha Fox)

IV. Management of account receivables. (Zane Ricardo)

V. Medical insurance and billing processes. (Deb Baldwin)

VI. Management of Patient Appointment. (Min-Ji Park)

Systems Development Method

The system development method to be adopted is the prototyping model. According to Lytvyn et al., (2019), the prototyping model is a method in which “ a prototype is built, tested and then reworked as necessary until an acceptable outcome is achieved from which the complete system or product can be developed.” Although there exist four major types of prototyping methods that can be applied in system development, that is throw away, incremental extreme, and evolutionary, the project will focus on the broader prototype model. This implies that more than one type of prototype can be used in ensuring that everything goes on well. In this research methodology, the team’s main focus is producing an early version of the system, which is aimed at replacing the existing system. “ This prototype won’t have full functionality or be thoroughly tested, but it will give external customers a sense of what’s to come. Then, feedback can be gathered and implemented throughout the rest of the SDLC phases.” The method was arrived at because it works well for emerging industries or organizations that require technology in operations. In general, the projects which require revision, user feedback, and recommendation highly go well with this type of model. The method can directly determine the direction that a certain project ought to take. Successful identifiers are important in pointing out problems before they negatively impact finished projects. The figure below depicts a sketch of how the processes will be undertaken.

Figure 2:Typical prototype model


Enhanced and involved user involvement: A good number of customers tend to have the feeling that they have been engaged in any activity that is taking place in the organization and which can impact them in one way or the other. Prototyping calls for user involvement so they can be able to interact with the working model that is yet to be implemented. The user engagement will also create the opportunity of receiving reviews about the model before launching it fully.

Reduced time and costs: Prototyping can enhance the quality of the specifications that have been mentioned. In the absence of prototyping, a number of customers anticipate for high costs. But with the model, the costs are minimized and the quality is enhanced. There is nothing that makes customers happier than a project that is completed on time. This is because they are able to meet their needs on time and the changeover process remains smooth


Possible User Confusion: The worst possible scenario that can arise with this method in place is a customer mistaking it for a completed project. Some customers, after they have access to the rough prototype might not understand that it is rough. Some customers can also wrongly perceive the prototype. This way, it makes it difficult to attain the set objectives.

Insufficient analysis: Having a focus on a limited prototype is dangerous. This is due to its capabilities of distracting the work of developers. This will hinder the potential results that might be obtained. Further, this can make the intended goals and solutions be overlooked.

Possible Developer Misunderstandings: “For every project to be successful, developers and customers must be on the same page and share the same project objectives”( Lytvyn et al., 2019) There can be proposed features that might lead to mission conflicts.

Date and Time of the Meeting

Sheila Logan

Office Manager

Fred Brown

HR and Employee


Ricky Fleming

Payroll Management

Aisha Fox


Zane Ricardo


Deb Baldwin

Billing and Insurince

Laboratory Technician

Min-ji Park