Clashing Views on Educational Issues

EDUC 643CLASHING VIEWS ON EDUCATIONAL ISSUES RESEARCH PAPER ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW In todays educational atmosphere, there are several opposing or sharply varying viewpoints regarding educational issues or concerns. Educational leaders must be prepared to address the problems confronting k-12 schools and/or districts today. This challenge is to create a greater awareness of the possible alternatives in dealing with the issues and to widen their powers of innovative thinking in the search for more promising resolutions. Educational problems and issues need to be identified in a forum that brings experience and current methodology together to relate to the specific roles of the course participants. Students will be expected to stay current with the issues, understand the background and historical context, as well as develop possible solutions while understanding the intended and unintended consequences. Long-range and short-range problem-solving strategies directed toward increasing the scope of curriculum options and expanding the broad applicability of instructional resources are addressed in terms of current situational models. Upon completion of this assignment, you will be able to address a timely problem confronting schools today, identify the driving and resisting forces, and strategies to address possible solutions.

INSTRUCTIONS: You will research a current topic of interest relevant to the K-12 environment. A literature review on the topic is needed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic area. This paper must provide background and historical information, as well as current and future impacts. You should include a cross-examination of the main points of both sides of the topic. This style allows you to cross-examine both sides of this topic in an attempt to highlight the most controversial parts of the issue. Your analysis will consist of a driving force, a resisting force, and a plan for improvement showing appropriate actions and tools. The supporting research should provide the necessary information to compel any reader of your paper to appreciate your position based on the information presented.

Current APA format.  This paper must use at least four sources outside of the course textbook.

Below are just a few examples of possible topics for research:

Standardized testing
single-sex schools and/or classroom
gender or ethnic differences in discipline or test scores
Politically correct or politically incorrect speech
Full inclusion of special students into all regular school programs
school choice and vouchers
Standardized curriculum
Common Core
The Arming of teachers/administrators in schools
Universal preschool.
No-Zero Grading Policies
School funding and student achievement
Charter school expansion
Electronic textbooks replacing print textbooks