
CJ 3311



Research a court trial where there was an issue of ethical misconduct during the

trial proceeding either on behalf one of the attorneys involved or the judge. This

could be a judge that was accused of an ethical violation, misconduct by the

prosecutor or defense attorney, etc. Outline the allegations and explain the issues in

terms of the ethics associated with them. How did this effect the trial outcome if

any. FULLY discuss the implications and the outcome of the situation if it is

resolved. Make sure you choose an offense that has had enough reports and enough

research information to produce a quality paper. If you have difficulty finding your

subject case contact me through BLACKBOARD messages and I will assist you.

This research project will help students identify the ethical misconduct in the

criminal justice system in a broader scope than just one small incident within one


This research paper has a minimum acceptable requirement of 6 pages. That is not

including the cover sheet or the reference page. It must be 6 FULL CONTENT

pages according to the instructions on written papers described in the Syllabus.

Remember, six pages is minimum and would be an average paper. (Average is


When you have completed your Assignment 2 you may submit it online under the

TURNITIN ASSIGNMENT 2 tab. Produce it as a WORD document and attach it

to the TURNITIN Assignment 2 section of BLACKBOARD.

This is an important point value for your semester grade so make sure you put

enough time in this to assure you produce a quality paper. Remember, more is
