
Handout and Rubric BUSU 630

Process Options for ROI

Assignment #2 Process Options to Create Return on Investment (ROI)

Due: Week 4 (See Rubric Below)

Students will prepare a graduate level analysis to demonstrate understanding of how process can and does create opportunities for ROI. This assignment is a three to five page paper (sometimes it takes up to seven), which utilizes graduate level writing and APA. The paper will have an introduction, analysis, recommendations and a conclusion (Each as a Level 1 APA Heading). You will demonstrate your understanding of this topic by selecting an actual company and making an MBA analysis that will demonstrate that your recommendation will improve a process. Then you will create a visual display and as a result make recommendations. Your visual displays can include a picture that you create of a “current process” and “proposed process.”

Remember you first have to choose a company and then choose a process within that company. Then you will research that company and the industry in which it exists. You will show graduate level research on the company, and also on the trends that are affecting that company. Sometimes the trends for an industry will also provide an interesting visual display for this paper.

The first six chapters of the textbook explain process and is chock full of examples of how to evaluate and improve processes. Use two to three of the process methods explained in the text (of course cite them) to evaluate a process in your selected organization.

There is also a data display requirement for this assignment. Check out Tuftee, who is the “King” of data display at: . At this Website you can also click through to more about his work. This information will help you with your data display requirement for this assignment. One fifth of your grade on this assignment will be based upon the quality and clarity of the display of your data displays. Remember to cite your graph if you get it from another source (using APA).

It is important that you show quantitative operations methods. Explain how you would analyze and improve a process for a product or a service in this paper. Give specific examples.

Please remember that your recommendations are only presented as options or opportunities. An MBA does not use the words, “must, have to, should, etc.” Remember the voice of the MBA is to present opportunity and options based upon cited data (not opinion).

Business papers always use headings, and graduate students need to use APA headings:

Graduate students can always attend Brandman’s Online Office Hours:

Rubric used for grading Assignment #2 BUSU630:

Evaluation Criteria

Process Options for ROI Paper








Key Insights


Provides accurate and clear descriptions of the process that is being evaluated. Accurately and comprehensively discusses the potential ROI and the impact and value that the recommendations would bring. Provides a clear picture of the context for the opportunity and/or option for ROI through process improvement.


Provides a fairly accurate and clear description of the process being evaluated. Fairly comprehensively and accurately discusses the impact and value that the recommendations would bring. Provides a fairly clear picture of the context for the opportunity/option for ROI through process improvement.


Provides somewhat accurate and clear description of the process being evaluated. Somewhat accurately discusses the impact on ROI and the impact and value that the recommendations would bring. Provides some context for the opportunity and/or option for ROI through process improvement.

25 or below

Provides limited or unclear definitions and/or descriptions of the process that is under review. Limited if any discussion on the impact and value of and ROI. Provides little to no context for the opportunity or option for ROI through process improvement.



Clearly identifies and discusses specific recommendations based upon graduate level sources, research and analysis. Clearly describes how the context and trends within the industry and the process will enhance or detract for the implementation of a plausible ROI. Shows a clear application and understanding of the tools available in supply chain and operations.


Fairly clearly identifies and discusses specific recommendations based upon graduate level sources, research and analysis. Somewhat clearly describes how the context and the trends within the industry and the process will enhance or detract for the proposed ROI. Fairly clearly describes application and understanding of the tools available in supply chain and operations.


Somewhat clearly identifies and discusses specific recommendations based upon some graduate level sources, research and analysis. Somewhat describes how the context and the trends within the industry and the process will enhance or detract in the implementation of the proposed ROI. Somewhat shows a clear application and understanding of the tools available in supply chain and operations.

25 or below

Limited if any identification and discussion of actions in terms process and ROI. Limited if any description of how recommendations are data driven, Shows a limited application of the tools available in supply chain and operations. May use WIKI sources which are not graduate level.

Critical Analysis


Consistently employs critical analysis in discussing the key insights about the industry, company and the process under review. Accurately links theory and course concepts with analysis, creativity and application. Uses the text book and at least four other business sources.

Shows and cites four or more data display sets using visual displays that are clearly introduced and then shows the relevance of the data displays for understanding the proposed ROI.


Fairly consistently employs critical analysis in discussing the key insights gained about the industry, company and the process under review. Fairly accurately links theory and course concepts with analysis, creativity and application. Uses the text book and at least three other business sources. Shows and cites at least three data display sets that are clearly introduced and then somewhat shows the relevance of the data displays for understanding the proposed ROI.


Somewhat employs critical analysis in discussing the key insights gained about the industry, company and the process under review. Somewhat accurately links theory and course concepts with analysis and application. Uses the text book and at least two other business sources. Shows and cites one or two data display sets that are either introduced or show application but not both. The relevance of the data displays for understanding the proposed ROI is vague, but an attempt was made.

25 or below

Limited if any critical analysis in discussing the insights gained and their understanding of the case study. Limited if any connection made between theory, course concepts and application. Uses the text book and at least two other business sources. There are no data displays or if they are included the relevance or the citation of the data displays is confusing.

Writing Mechanics


The paper is logical, well written, and the required length. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are accurate. Consistently uses sources (textbook and assessments) to support discussion and analysis. APA formatting standards are followed; citations and reference page is correct.


The paper is logical, well written, and is the required length. Minor errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. Uses sources (textbook and assessments) to support discussion and analysis. APA standards are followed with a few minor errors.


The paper is somewhat logical and well written; may be 10% too long or short. Some errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. Somewhat uses sources (textbook and assessments) to support discussion and analysis. APA standards are somewhat followed but with numerous errors.

25 or below

The paper lacks clarity and may be confusing; may be 15% too long or short. Numerous errors in spelling, grammar and/or punctuation. Limited if any use of sources (textbook and assessments) to support discussion and analysis. Limited if any adherence to APA standards.