Business Law

Please write out the questions and use complete sentences for your answers. Provide any sources you used for your answers other then the textbook.

1a.  The power of a court to review legislative and executive actions to determine whether they are constitutional is call ____________________________.

b. Describe a recent judicial decision that reviewed a legislative or executive action and provide your source(s).

2.  a. What is the commerce clause?

    b.  How was the 1937 case NLRB v. Jones & Laughlin Steel Corp a turning point for the commerce clause’s interpretation?

3. Explain how each branch of government checks the power of the other branches.

4. Pursuant to the Supremacy Clause, what happens to a state law that contradicts a federal law?

5.  What does the Privileges and Immunity Clause provide?

6.  What is the Bill of Rights?

7.  What rights are provided for under the:

a.  First Amendment

b.  Fourth Amendment

c.  Fifth Amendment

d.  Fifteenth  Amendment

e.  Nineteenth Amendment

8. Watch:

a.  Should Alex Jones be protected by the First Amendment?

b.  Did the social media companies react properly to Joness actions?