Assignment: Homo habilis and Oldowan Tools

You must provide detailed answers to each question for full credit. Try your best to summarize the information and write what you have learned in your own words. Any text that you directly copy needs to be in quotation marks, but copying will not be enough to get a high grade (see the grading rubric below). For full credit, you should either explain the information in your own words, or if you copy any text, you should also provide your own interpretation. answers to correspond with the question numbers.

1.Think back to Unit 3. How do scientists define a species? How do you think this definition could be applied to the fossil record?
2.What criteria do scientists use to group different species into the same genus? Describe the characteristics that species placed into the genus Homo should have.
3.When was the Pliocene epoch? Describe the weather during this epoch, and name the hominin species that lived during this time.
4.When was the Pleistocene epoch? Describe how the weather cycled during this time. Use the terms interglacial and glacial in your answer.
5.Explain what happened to African environments during the Pleistocene epoch. Describe how did variable climates affect hominin species.
6.During what time period (millions of years ago) and in which geographic locations have fossils of Homo habilis been found? (be specific in your answer) What are some of the most important Homo habilis fossils?
7.Describe the physical characteristics of Homo habilis.
8.Why did the Leakeys conclude that stone tools were likely made by Homo habilis?
9.What is the name of the oldest stone tool industry, and from what time period are these tools known? Describe what these tools were like.
10.Describe what Homo habilis was doing with Oldowan tools.

90-100%    Outstanding work with thorough, detailed, and clearly written answers