Assignment for Philosophy course

Short-Answer Questions make it brief

1. (1 pt.) What do you think our course (Critical Reasoning) is meant to help you with in terms of your System 1 and System 2 thinking? Define any technical terms in your own words and cite the textbook page number that you draw from.

2. (1 pt.) Give an example of when you’ve recently used one of the heuristics/biases that was mentioned in the textbook (choose either a helpful and justified heuristic or a less justified bias). Define any technical terms in your own words and cite the textbook page number that you draw from.

3. (1 pt.) Why does Robert Solomon insist that “emotions are not irrational; people are irrational” (45). Do you agree or disagree? Briefly argue for your position by referring to a point made in the discussion on pp. 44-46. Define any technical terms in your own words and cite the textbook page number that you draw from.

4. (1 pt.) Ask a question about A) the reading itself or B) how to apply the ideas from the reading to everyday life.

Long-Answer Prompt ( At Least 100 Words)

5. (2 pts.) [Adapted from the “Exercise” on pp. 55-56] From what you have read in Ch. 1, present a list of FIVE things you personally could do to protect yourself from the dangers of heuristics and biases. This will include ways to prevent poor decision-making in groups; protection from those who will deliberately deploy persuasion techniques in order to influence us, and ways to assist the management of our emotional responses to arguments. Some recommendations have been explicitly included in the chapter and some are implied, but there will be others that you will be able to think of yourselves on the basis of the chapters content. Please be somewhat descriptive regarding how you would actually implement the things on your list