Any topic (writer’s choice)

Society and culture have attached value on people based on economic and social status, race, age, and gender. As such, some people will be considered more valuable than others or undesirable. The mindset revolves around what a person brings to the table rather than their importance (Martinsburg, 2021). My view is that a person is a unique species who is so valuable and priceless. Also, humanity starts at inception, when a sperm and egg fertilize to form a zygote. A person is precious because of the human nature they possess. When a person dies, no amount of money can bring them back to life. Thus, attaching value to worldly things does not give the exact true value of a person.

          Since I consider a human person priceless, I tend to disagree with most bioethical issues. Abortion lobbyists argue that a baby’s worth is attached to the desire of the mother to want them or not. Thus, a mother decides if a baby is worthy or not (Martinsburg, 2021). It’s the life in the fetus that makes it grow and live to full term before being born. However, I agree with abortion in a case where the pregnancy puts the mother’s life at risk and when the fetus has no chances of survival, like in an ectopic pregnancy.

          An individual has desired and undesired characteristics, which makes them human. With designer babies, parents will be selecting traits for their children. This will enable parents to have children with characteristics that will make life better for them. I think a person is human because of the natural characteristics they have (Thompson, 2019). Thus, the science of designer babies will interfere with life and place a value on children.

          Stem cell research focuses on studying the properties of stems cells to understand human development and how diseases occur. Some stems cells come from oocytes and embryos, which leads to the destruction of human embryos (Lo & Parham, 2009). I believe that the embryo holds the same value as a person because it develops into a baby when implanted in a woman’s womb. Therefore, deriving stem cells from an embryo is like disrespecting a person’s moral status and rights.

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