Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a 300-400 word response to the Artist Lecture content,
You need to develop a solid and meaningful argument in response to the Thesis Prompt by reflecting on and actively referring to specific content from the Artist Lecture to support your reflections. You are writing abut your own observations, reflections and interpretations of the lecture, NOT simply offering us a summary of what the artist talked about.
Do Not Plagiarize! Always attribute artists’ and authors’ names, artwork titles, etc. correctly when making references to lecture content. Do not assume we know who/what you’re referring to – give their name! You must clearly delineate what ideas are your own, and what ideas are the artist’s or anyone else’s by quoting, paraphrasing and always giving the (correctly spelled) name or title of the person/thing you are referring to in the body of your writing. Avoid generalized attributions like “the artist said….”, instead, give the person’s full name the first time you reference them in your writing, then by last name or pronoun thereafter. This will require you to take detailed notes and/or go back in the lecture to find the correctly spelled titles and names. (Note: it does not matter that everyone knows who the lecturer is, attribution is an essential writing skill we expect you to practice consistently)

Your Task:

For this specific assignment you will be watching an artist lecture by Amy Sillman titled “Color as Material,” which she presented at the Whitney Museum of American Art in conjunction with the Whitney Biennial Exhibition in 2014. Amy Sillman is an American painter based in New York City who works in a variety of media, including painting, drawing, cartoons, zines and iPhone animations. She has exhibited her work in uncountable major museums and galleries nationally and internationally. In this much-beloved and often-shared lecture she discusses her interests in the materiality of color from her standpoint as a painter.

Thesis Prompt for Amy Sillman’s lecture:

How does Amy Sillman describe color as a social/political/conceptual substance? Discuss how she utilizes (makes into tools) these aspects of color in her own art practice.