Any topic (writer’s choice)

Second, think what is interesting aspects in how schools can influence obesity and find a scholarly article pertaining to the particular aspect such as physical activity, recess, school meals, state policies, school wellness policies, etc. 

Third, with your two articles I want you to write and explain:

What did the articles discuss and find? Review the sources and advise the reader on the most pertinent or relevant information.  Connect key themes.
What conclusions can you draw from the research? Review the sources and advise the reader on the most pertinent or relevant information. And what would be the next steps moving forward within the schools and the culture it has for the students?
If you were to speak at a meeting with school board members, school principals, and the superintendent, how would you describe what “healthy schools” looks like. What would be three recommendation for them to consider to implement within their schools and why? Pull materials which we covered in class and your article findings from today.
Please cite your sources within your text and at the end of the paper using APA format.