Analyzing a Manual – tech writing

Now that you’ve read about what Technical Writing is, it’s time to put those concepts to use!

Locate an instruction manual for a product you may own. If you don’t have any, you can find one here: (Links to an external site.)

Analyze the manual you choose against the characteristics listed in this week’s chapter for good technical writing. Write up your analysis into a document, and submit it via this page to complete the assignment.

For easy reference, here again are the 6 characteristics from the reading:

    Focus on audience
    Rhetorical, persuasive, purposeful, and problem-oriented
    Design Centered
    Research and Technology Oriented

Your document should:

    Be 12 pt, Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, double spaced.
    Be 2-3 paragraphs long (with a minimum of 3 sentences per paragraph).
    Include the information of or link to the manual being analyzed.