Answer to Dileymi g2w4

 Functional Health Patterns and Potential Dysfunctional Behaviors
There are 11 categories of functional health patterns that are essential in diagnosing and identifying human responses to illness and risks of dysfunctional health. These functional health patterns are majorly influenced by a range of factors such as biological, spiritual, cultural, and developmental factors. And for individuals to have functional health patterns, they must practice healthy behaviors to avoid any potential health dysfunctions (Meleen, 2021). To start with, individuals and families need to have proper health perception and management patterns, and this enables people to understand their health status to effectively manage their health and well-being. At this point, individuals need to properly manage health risk factors and practice healthy living behaviors that adhere to their mental and physical health well-being. Also, the nutritional-metabolic pattern must be regulated effectively by consuming nutritious foods and drinks. Having a balanced diet at the right time will generally stabilize the health of people and their ability to fight diseases.
The activity and exercise pattern aims at what individuals do in their daily lives so that they dont overwork or avoid exercises that are crucial for normal body functioning. Families must emphasize activities that enhance the physical and mental well-being of their loved ones to ensure healthy living. Also, sleep and rest patterns must be taken care of to ensure that the body gets enough rest to relax the muscles and re-energize for the next day’s activities (Meleen, 2021). Additionally, the elimination pattern of the waste products from the body needs to be observed to avoid any discomfort and dysfunctions that are associated with too much holding of waste. Proper frequency of waste elimination will take control of the laxativeness of the digestive organs, thus preventing the body from constipation. Also, urine elimination frequency will help prevent kidney stones by getting rid of highly concentrated urine contents from the bladder.
There is a cognitive-perceptual pattern that majorly deals with the sensory organs. The cognitive perception is directly linked to all five body senses to adequately control the body’s functional abilities that affect the way we talk, handle different situations and make decisions. We also have the self-perception-self-concept pattern that helps determine individuals’ moods, attitudes, and self-identity (Gorden, 2020). This pattern enables people to derive their self-worth and general emotions that they show while faced with different scenarios. Also, the role-relationship pattern describes how people socially relate responsibly to each other. Additionally, we have the coping-stress-tolerance pattern that shows how effective individuals can handle and manage stressful situations in life. Another functional health pattern is the value-believe pattern that guides individuals on spiritual matters and how to meet their set objectives that determine their quality of life for healthy living.
Therefore, all these functional health patterns and behaviors are meant to manage any potential and actual dysfunctional categories of behaviors that are likely to affect the well-being of individuals and their families. Dysfunctional health patterns are behaviors that directly negatively affect our health. The dysfunctions can result from untreated mental illness, drug abuse, and toxic families (Pearbrill, 2021). For instance, if a child is raised in an environment where he is regularly abused physically or emotionally, the child is likely to have mental disorders and emotional challenges due to the trauma experienced. Also, unhealthy attachment patterns with more expectations and conditions for love lead to internal family struggles for acceptance. Additionally, financial constraints and excessive criticism lead to poor communication that breaks down trust and honesty with one another, affecting individuals’ general well-being. Therefore to eliminate health dysfunctions, individuals must understand the need for healthy living and embrace factors that enhance quality living.


Gorden. (2020). Functional Health Patterns – M. Gorden. Retrieved 31 May 2022, from
King. (2017). Defining the Traits of Dysfunctional Families | King University Online. King University Online. Retrieved 31 May 2022, from
Meleen. (2021). Retrieved 31 May 2022, from
Pearbrill. (2021). Discussion Question: How Functional Patterns help a Nurse Understand the Current and Past State of Health for a Patient | Pearlbrill. Retrieved 31 May 2022, from