Contemporary agents of socialization – sociology assignment help


family, school, peer groups, the mass media, and technology. With specific regard to technology, primarily the Internet and social and mass media, what differences exist between contemporary agents of socialization and those that your parents and grandparents may have experienced? What effects, if any, do our current methods of socialization have on the types and quality of social interactions?

PMU facilitates a variety of food in the cafeteria for its faculty and students. Different food is available for the students and faculty members. The cafeteria has an electronic system (catalog) to check or choose the food. Catalog has a list of different food. The faculty members and students can order two varieties at a time depending on the availability. Each food has a unique code or name. You should provide functions to support the following operations: The cafeteria administrator can add new variety of food and its country of origin. The cafeteria administrator can remove and update the information of the faculty or student who has ordered the food. The faculty and students can inquire about the specific food including its information. The faculty and students can request for a new variety of food. The cafeteria administrator can update the requests or new requirements from the faculty or the students. The faculty and the students can raise a complain about the non-ava


Complete sections 17 below.

Note: Before completing this , review the Wk 2 Assignment Preparation Task: Skills Demonstration Video and Outline in Blackboard.

Section 1: Skills Focus Reflection

Reflect on the following communication skills you have learned this week and prepare to include them in your video:

Prepare in advance to meet the client.

Engage the client using professional ethics, emotional intelligence (e.g., genuineness, warmth, acceptance, encouragement, approval), and empathy. Refer to the Emotional Intelligence section in Ch. 1, Reflection and Emotional Intelligence, of your course textbook, Developing Your Communication Skills in Social Work.

Demonstrate self-awareness and reflection.

Where applicable, demonstrate sensitivity for cultural diversity.

Where applicable, incorporate communication skills from Week 1.

Section 2: Scenario Brainstorm and Summary

With your partner(s) brainstorm ideas for a scenario to demonstrate communication techniques in a recorded role-play with your assigned partner(s). Each person should role-play as a client, and then role-play as a social worker. As the client, select topics that are not real to your life right now; this is not the space to bring up past traumas. You are simply providing your partner a chance to practice the skills listed for each week.

Each video demonstration in Weeks 2, 3, and 4 will build upon the previous one, so work with your partner(s) to determine a scenario that will be suitable for the duration of the course. 

Once you and your partner(s) have completed brainstorming, briefly summarize the scenario you will depict in your video in the space below. 

What issue(s) will the client present to you (the social worker)? How will you demonstrate the skills listed in Section 1: Skills Focus Reflection?

Section 3: Script Creation 

With your partner(s) write a 1- to 2-minute video script in the space provided below. Incorporate the information you reflected on in Section 1: Skills Focus Reflection. Your video script may include cultural awareness, but it is not required to demonstrate this skill.

Section 4: Skills Demonstration Video Recording

Record your video with your partner(s) using Microsoft Teams.

Download and save your recording in an MP4 file format to submit with your completed assignment.

Section 5: Video Transcription Notes

Transcribing behaviors from a video will help you analyze your growth and development in social work communication techniques. 

After recording your skills demonstration video, complete the Skills Examples Table by:

Noting the video time stamp in the Video Time Stamp column

Transcribing portions of the video that reflect skills demonstrated in the Transcription column 

Marking an X in the appropriate column for the following skills demonstrated: professional ethics, emotional intelligence, empathy, and cultural awareness

Adding additional rows, if needed

For guidance, review and follow the format of the completed examples provided in rows 1 and 2 in the Skills Examples Table.

Skills Examples Table

Video Time Stamp Transcription Professional Ethics Emotional Intelligence

(Specify the type.) Empathy Cultural Awareness

(if applicable)

Example: 2:30 I want to share with you the clients bill of rights.  X 

Example: 2:40 It can be overwhelming to move to a new town and not be aware of services available for your parents. X 

Section 6: Video Transcription Summary

In the space below, briefly summarize how the skills you identified in Section 5: Video Transcription Notes facilitated effective communication in your role-play. 

Section 7: Questions for Reflection Using Gibbs Reflective Cycle

In Ch. 1, Reflection and Emotional Intelligence, of Developing Your Communication Skills in Social Work, you learned about the value of self-reflection. You also read that Gibbs reflective cycle (1988) as cited in Beesley et al. (2018) is a useful framework for evaluating your communication strengths and challenges.

Answer the following 2 questions in the spaces provided below to reflect on your progress in applying communication techniques.

1. After watching your video, identity a skill that is your strength. How is this skill a strength for you?

2. Identity 1 area of improvement for your next video segment. What steps will you take to work on this skill?


Beesley, P., Watts, M., & Harrison, M. (2018). Developing your communication skills in social work. Sage Publications. Retrieved from

1. What is the difference between a fundamental and a realized niche? 

2. What is the difference between Anagenesis (Gradualism) and Cladogenesis (punctuated equilibrium)? 6 points

3. The carrying capacity for a flock of birds is 125. The intrinsic growth rate is 0.4. There are 45 birds in the population. What will the logistic growth rate be? 

growth rate

4. How can niche partitioning lead to adaptive radiation? Provide an example. 

5. Treehoppers (specifically the Enchenopa binotata complex) are a great example for sympatric speciation. Explain why. 

6.  Use the table to answer the following question. Which community has a higher richness value? Which one is more even? Which one is more diverse? Calculate H for both communities. 



Community   A

Community   B


Brown Trout




Smallmouth Bass
















North Pikes



7. What is the latitudinal biodiversity gradient? What are the 3 different hypotheses for why it exists, that is what are the three potential ecological drivers? Describe each one. 


8.  What is secondary contact? What are 4 potential outcomes of secondary contact?

9. What is the difference between sympatric speciation and allopatric speciation? What are the 2 different types of ways that allopatric speciation occurs (name and describe them) different? What are the different types of ways sympatric speciation might happen (list 3 prezygotic and 3 postzygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms)? 

10. Who is Gregor Mendel

a. What were his contributions that helped advanced our understanding of evolution? (1 point)

b. Describe at least one experiment Mendel conducted. (2 points)

c. What conclusions did he draw from his experiments? (2 points)

11. Where an organism can live is limited by abiotic factors. 

a. Describe how adiabatic cooling impacts where species are able to live. Include how you get heavy precipitation near the equator and how deserts are formed. (3 points)

b. Why does the angle of sunlight penetration matter? (2 points)

12. What is the extinction vortex? Draw a diagram to help explain your answer. (2 points)

13. HWE

a. What is the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Theorem? (1 point)

b.  What are the 5 HWE assumptions? (2 points)

14. Adaptation vs phenotypic plasticity

a. What is the difference between an adaptation and a phenotypic plastic trait? Provide an example of each. (4 points)

b. How do we test to see if a trait is a genetic adaptation or a phenotypic plastic trait? Provide an example. (2 points)

15. What are the four major mechanisms for evolution? (1 point)

16. Which mechanism(s) of evolution can ON THEIR OWN lead to adaptation? Defend your answer. (2 points)

17. What is the difference between The Bottleneck Effect, the Founder Effect, and the Sequential Founder Effect? (6 points)

18. Gene Flow

a. What is gene flow? (2 points)

b. How might it ultimately lead to homozygosity (reduced variation) over time? (2 points)

c. Why is connectivity important in gene flow? (2 points)

19. Define Biological Evolution. Define Ecology. Explain how the two intersect. Use an example to illustrate your point (e.g. snowshoe hares). (4 points). Read more at  

20. Choose three evolutionary thinkers that we discussed in class. List their scientific contributions, specifically those that advanced evolution. Describe why/how their contributions advanced the field of evolution. (3 points)

21. Define natural selection and list the 4 precursors for natural selection. (3 points)

22. Imagine you have discovered a widely-distributed population of orchids in California that exhibits a lot of variation in flower petal color (including blue, pink, and yellow flowers). Through experimentation, you find that this variation is primarily due to phenotypic plasticity rather than genetics, meaning that petal color is mostly determined by the flowers physical environment and is not a trait that is passed down from generation to generation. You also find that a certain species of caterpillar always prefers to consume orchids with pink petals (killing the flowers) over the other colors. Will petal color evolve away from the pink color by natural selection in this population? Why or why not? (2 points)

23. What is a homologous character (homology)? What is an analogous trait (homoplasy)? Provide two separate examples of each (2 points).

24. What are the three types of survivorship curves? Define them and draw a curve for each. You can draw all three curves on one plot or on separate plots. (3 points)

25. Text Box: HText Box: FText Box: GText Box: EText Box: DText Box: CText Box: BText Box: A 

Use the following phylogenetic tree to answer the following questions (2 points)

a. Circles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 on the phylogenetic tree represent_______________. 

b. Which of the gray bars above the tree is a paraphyletic group?

c. How many monophyletic groups are there? Write them out

d. Taxa and C and D would represent a _____________ group. 

26.  You collect the following data on tarsus length in a small population of black-bellied plovers (a common shorebird species):


Bird Tag ID

Tarsus length (cm)













You want to determine whether tarsus length has evolved to be longer or shorter over time in this population, so you compare your dataset to one that was previously collected and analyzed for this sample population 50 years before.

8.31 < < 10.42

Has the population evolved to have longer or shorter tarsus length? Or has it stayed the same over time? Explain how you know using statistics. Show all work necessary to arrive at your final answer. You should not need a calculator to solve this problem, but you are welcome to use one if you prefer. (12 points)

For 3 degrees of freedom and an alpha value of 0.05, ta,d.f. = 2.

17. Populations of the Ozark Hellbender (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis) have declined since the 1970s, and it is now classified as endangered. 

A. You are instituting conservation measures in the Ozarks to help the hellbenders recover. To assess their performance, you conduct a life table study. Fill in the table below. Calculate values to two decimal places. You do not need a calculator, but you are welcome to use one if you prefer. (3 points)


Age   (years) x

Number   surviving to age x

Number   of deaths per each age x

Proportion   surviving to age (lx)

Average   fecundity per individual (mx)

lx   mx



























B. This represents a ( cohort / static / age distribution ) life table (circle one; 1 point)

C. Calculate R0 for the population. (1 point)

D. Based on your answer to (C) above, is the population recovering? Explain your answer. In your explanation, describe what the value of R0 means biologically, and explain why that will lead to an increase or decrease in population size. (3 points)

In this , asssume that your conservation policies are successful, allowing the hellbender population to grow. The growth curve for hellbenders over 8 years is shown below:



E. What is the approximate carrying capacity of the hellbender population shown? (1 point)

F. What is the approximate value of r at carrying capacity? (1 point)

G. Before reaching carrying capacity, the value of dN/dt is ( negative / zero / positive )

(circle one; 1 point)

H. This population is best characterized as ( exponential growth / logistic growth ) (circle one; 1 point)

I. Name at least two biotic and two abiotic ecological factor that may contribute to the carrying capacity of hellbenders in the Ozarks. You do not need to give specifics about hellbender habitat for this question. You only need to list general factors that may contribute to carrying capacity. (2 points)

27. In a population of 100 jellyfish, the gene for body color (blue or purple) is controlled by a single diploid gene. The allele for blue (B) is dominant over the allele for purple (b). 25 jellyfish in the population are blue, the rest are purple. Show all work (8 points)

a. What is the homozygous recessive genotype frequency, freq(bb)?___

b. What is the frequency of the dominant allele, freq(B)?____

c. What is the heterozygous genotype frequency, freq(Bb)?____

d. How many homozygous dominant jellyfish are there in the population? _____

Show your work here:

28. The Breeders Equation is very important for understanding heritability, strength of selection, and what the response to selection will be. (6 points)

a. A watermelon farmer is wanting to make the biggest watermelons possible. The mean weight of watermelons that he currently has in his garden is 10 pounds. He selects only largest watermelons, which are 15 pounds to breed for his next garden. We know that watermelon weight is 20% heritable. What will the average weight be in the farmers new garden? _________________________________

b. You are wanting to grow super spicy peppers in your backyard and need to know how spicy you can get your peppers. The mean Scoville Heat Units (this is used to quantify how spicy something is) of your peppers is about 1000 SHU. You have some peppers that are 2000 SHU, which you breed. You are told that the heritability score for spiciness is 50%. What is the average spiciness (in Scoville Heat Units) that your next generation of peppers will be? ___________________