Unit 4 – disscussion board health policy due 05.05.2022


For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:

As a new healthcare leader you have been tasked with developing policy for local lawmakers, politicians, and business owners with regard to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for COVID-19. For this discussion, you will Explore the Covid Data Tracker and the Covid-19 Policy Tracker for a better understanding of what your local policymakers are doing relative to national infection/virus rates and policy recommendations.

Focus your discussion on the following:

  • Based on the data related to infection rate trends (past/current) in your area, and the current policy recommendations at the state/local level, discuss what you believe should be the top 2 healthcare policy concerns for lawmakers and healthcare leaders in your local area relative to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • If state/local recommendations/policies differ from the CDC policy recommendations related to the Covid-19 Pandemic guidelines (e.g. mask guidelines, quarantine, vaccination requirements in the workplace, etc.) describe what steps you would take and what data you would use to convince local lawmakers to change the polices in the community.