Personal Branding/LinkedIn Assignment


Digital marketing and social media is so important for companies to use to reach their target markets.  Whether it is online advertising, blogs, vlogs, e-mail marketing or using social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Tiktok, Twitch, Snapchat, Instagram or LinkedIn, companies need to stay current and manage these sites. Mobile marketing is also exploding in terms of how people stay connected and how they buy.

For your this assignment, I would like you to apply the marketing skills we have discussed to market yourself with personal branding and then use the social media site LinkedIn to promote your individual brand. According to Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos Your brand is what people say about you when youre not in the room.

There are several sites you could use to help promote your individual brand. For this assignment however, we will just focus on using LinkedIn.  I have attached several sites that you may want to take a look at to familiarize yourself with personal brands. At a minimum, use the PWC handbook to walk you through the process. It is very straight forward and has some good tips on how best to develop a personal brand.

Please prepare a two-paragraph summary of your personal brand and provide a link to your LinkedIn page. If you already have a LinkedIn page, try to update and perfect it through the personal branding exercise.  Please show a before and after shot of your page. I have also attached some information that may be helpful in perfecting your LinkedIn page.

Note: If you feel strongly about not using social media for personal use, please do this assignment without posting it on LinkedIn. It is always good to update your skills and strengths!

Remember to think of your audience (target market) when preparing your personal brand. Think about the following:

  1. What do you want us to know about you?
  2. What special skills do you have?
  3. How are you packaged
  4. What is your image to others? (i.e. how do you want to be positioned?)
  5. What are your personal brand assets?
  6. How can you add value to an organization?

Personal Branding Links:

1.      (Price Waterhouse Coopers)

  1. What is Personal Branding:
  2. Forbes: How to Build Your Personal Brand:
  3. The First Thing You Should Do when Building Your Brand by Rebecca Horan