feminism and activism

1. Read the article: “In the #MeToo Era, Do These paintings Still Belong In a Museum?” (Huffington Post online, 2017)

2. Prompt for the discussion:

a. Imagine you are a curator at the Metropolitan Museum of Art where this controversy is taking place. You are interviewed in Hyperallergic (an online arts magazine with worldwide reach) regarding your position and what you think should be done. Take a stance on the topic, whether based on the arguments of the Metropolitan Museum of Art or going against them.
b. Then go on a tangent: Find on your own an artwork that you think is problematic based on what the article discusses and upload an a link to it (I would prefer this time a link rather than posting the image, for they might be triggering to others). Briefly explain why you think this is problematic too and what could be done.

IMPORTANT: This is a sensitive and potentially triggering set of topics, so please be careful with the language employed, let’s be caring for each other, even while manifesting your opinions.

How you will be graded:

– engagement, taking up a stance on the topic and supporting your position

– finding another artwork that is related to the topics discussed in the article

– Two paragraphs (each minimum 6 sentences).