
Teaching project Guidelines.docx

NSG 420 – Teaching Project Guidelines

Attachment 2

1. Locate a community group & assess the teaching needs week 2 & 3.

2. The team must schedule the date before week 4 via email TP with clinical instructor who needs to be present to evaluate the teaching & copy poc at site on email with the date and time.

3. All TP observed by clinical field day 4-6. Outline format for TP.

4. Submit outline below to the clinical instructor at least 5 days prior to the presentation via TurnItIn & Moodle icons. Teaching support aids (ppt, handouts, and video) send via email 5 days ahead for preview. After that time it is late = zero grade.

Teaching Project Outline Format

Student Name: Date: Site:

1. Assessment of Needs and Rationales (30%)

a. Group/Aggregate description (10% = 4 x 2.5% each)

i. What is the health teaching need-

ii. Who identified the need-

iii. How was the need identified-

iv. What does the evidence say about this group and their teaching needs (application of evidence based practice- cite research)-

b. Assessment of readiness (There may be possible constraints in assessing this area due to limited group availability or the setting). (10% = 5 x 2% each)

i. Readiness-

ii. Motivation-

iii. Experiential background (previous teaching?)-

iv. Current status (age intellectual level and/or educational level, etc)-

v. Interest and actual and/or potential barriers to learning-

c. Two Community/Group Diagnoses (10% = 2 x 5% each)-



2. Teaching Plan (40%)

a. TP on time. What specific gains are you aiming for with your aggregate? (10%)-

b. 2 Objectives (10%)



c. Teaching Strategies 15%:

i. Identify at least 3 teaching strategies/methods student to use -(Q & A, pretest/post test, discussion, lecture, video, handouts, survey, case study, demo, role playing, ppt slides, poster board, web links, readings, self-report, group work, brain storming, visual aids, etc…)




ii. Content based on literature review on reference page – 4 evidence based resources within the past 5 years.

iii. APA Format.

e. What financial needs to be in place in order to make the changes occur? – (5%)

3. Presentation (30%)

a. Content presentation (10% = 4 x 2.5% each)

i. Introduction

ii. Adherence to plan/strategies

iii. Evaluation/Pre/Post test

iv. Summary of topic learned (Q & A)

b. Manner of presentation

i. Appearance

ii. Pace and clarity of presentation

iii. Ability to involve group members

iv. Appropriate vocabulary used

v. Appropriate reinforcement of content

vi. Presentation appropriate for level of group

vii. Body language

viii. Creativity and handouts

Evaluation with faculty after TP

Discuss your insight, conclusion, and final thoughts regarding experience & what you would do differently if taught same topic but to another group with instructor.