
Use the assigned course textbook (as the primary source) and the article(s) attached to answer the following questions about Nokia. 

1. Who is Nokia? Include a brief history of the company. 

2. Can you describe the leadership at Nokia (Ch. 2)? 

3. What environmental pressures did Nokia face (Ch. 3)?

4. How did Nokia communicate (if any) with employees about “change” (Ch. 7)? 

5. Do you believe Nokia was too attached to their strategies to consider evolving or “changing”  (Ch.8)?          

6. Can you identify some symptoms leading you to believe Nokia resisted change (Ch. 8)?  

7. Chapter 9 outlines a number of OD Approaches. Select the best one to implement at Nokia. How would you implement this approach (Ch. 9, also use Ch. 10)?

8. Nokia phones are still being sold. Do you believe Nokia can make a successful comeback? How can they sustain any changes?   (Ch. 11)?

9. Do not forget a strong conclusion



**I highly emphasize critical evaluation of all assigned materials. Critical analysis and evaluation allow you to develop a framework based on what you believe is truth and applicable to the topic of interest. 

I encourage you to further research this topic using valid sources (and up to date) and incorporate your research into the final submission. 


Paper requirements:


Write a 5+  page paper on how this organization could or can do things differently.  

Include a cover page and reference page (these do not count towards the 5+ pages).

ORGANIZE your submission by question but do not include the questions. Use APA sub-headers to separate each section. 


The final submission must be written in APA format. If you are unfamiliar with APA, refer to APA Owl Purdue website or 

Each submission should have an introduction and conclusion. Your introduction should have your thesis statement that asserts your main argument. The introduction should capture your reader’s attention. Open with an interesting question, an example, or maybe even a brief story to serve as a hook to the rest of your paper.

A conclusion is your opportunity to persuade your reader of your point of view, to bring the reader back to your main argument or thesis. A conclusion demonstrates the importance of your research/analysis/ideas, it allows you to consider broader issues, make connections and elaborate on your research/analysis/ideas. 


**The proper use of grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and citation format (APA), will be a significant part of the evaluation process in all deliverables. 


**As graduate students, the expectation is that you will conduct additional research or read ahead when an assignment requires additional content.