
Aspects and Expectations of a Quality Ecology Project



Exp. Design & Execution

Data Analysis & Results





The introduction is inadequate, background unrelated, or only slightly relevant to the question

Question not stated or stated inappropriately

Points: 9

The study design doesn’t allow for proper controls

Inadequate replication of treatments

Evidence of sloppy execution

Points: 12

No statistical analysis

Fails to identify trends or identifies false trends

Analysis and/or interpretations are inadequate or missing

Points: 9

Reach the wrong conclusion

Does not relate results to question or introduction

Interprets results incorrectly

Points: 12

Poor grammar or punctuation

Writing is jumpy, does not flow in a logical manner

The main point is not logically developed and paragraph to paragraph disconnected

Points: 9

Does not incorporate literature

Used not relevant literature

Incorrect citation format

Points: 9


The introduction provides appropriate background that justifies the question

The question is clearly stated

The null hypothesis is stated correctly

Points: 12

The study design is unambiguous

Adequate & appropriate replication of treatments & controls

Execution adequate

Points: 16

Appropriate statistical tools are used

Analysis and/or interpretations are present but does not enhance and/or explain the content

Points: 12

A scientific interpretation of the results is provided

The conclusion is adequate, summarizes the main point, and simply restates the introduction

Points: 16

Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are correct

Data are presented in easy-to-understand tables and/or figures

The main point is logically developed from sentence to sentence & paragraph to paragraph

Points: 12

At least 3 relevant citations are incorporated into a paper

Citations are used whenever referencing another person’s work or ideas, and the literature cited section

Points: 12


Question/hypothesis contains detailed background and is placed into the context of recent scientific findings in the area of interest

Points: 15

Evidence that meticulous attention has been paid to all aspects of the experimental design and execution

Points: 20

Data trends are identified.

Analysis and/or interpretations are relevant and enhance the explanation of the content

Points: 15

Possible theoretical and practical applications of the results are presented and discussed

Conclusions effectively wrap up/gives closure to the main points of the paper.

Points: 20

The discussion ends with a cohesive concluding paragraph that places the results of the study into a real-world context

Points: 15

More than 3 citations are used, and the use of citation indicates that student understands the significance of the study to the body of knowledge on the topic

Points: 15
