
Introduction to the court paper Assignment

Most research paper will have at least the following section.

· Introduction

· A general description of the problem and review of the literature on point.

· Identifying and describing the flaws and shortcomings present in the current situation or procedure that is what needs to be fixed or improved.

· Recommendations for how to improve or eliminate those flaws and shortcoming

· Conclusion

Rubric – mastery 20% Creativity 20% Insight 20% Critical thinking 20% Writing & Organization 20%

Topic Due process in Juvenile Courts, paper must be peer reviewed.

1. The court paper assignment is a short scholarly research paper focused on one of the issues or sub-issues we discussed in the text or lectures or on a closely related.

2. It must be at least five pages long (reduction from the ten-page minimum identified in the syllabus double space times new roman 12 the page minimum excludes the cover page and reference list

3. You must use and cite within the paper and in your reference list at least five scholarly (peer – reviewed) sources Journal articles.

4. The court paper must be presented in APA format (6th addition or 7th edition is permitted)