
Ch2Sec3: 1. What does Searle's Chinese room thought experiment show?

Ch4Sec1: 2. If two persons could inhabit the same body, would this show that animalism is false? Why or why not?

Freedom and Foreknowledge

Calvin's argument can be put like this:

1. If God knows that I will do x tomorrow, then it

is true that I will do x tomorrow.

2. If it is true that I will do x tomorrow, then I

cannot possibly not dox tomorrow.

3. If I cannot possibly not do x tomorrow, then I

am not free to do x tomorrow.

4. Therefore, if God knows that I will do x tomor

row, then I am not free to do x tomorrow.

Ch3Sec1: 3. Is this a sound argument? Why or why not? If you think it's not sound, which premise would you reject? Why?

Religious Experience

Ch6Sec1: 4. Does the fact that religious experiences can be produced electronically undercut the claim that they are produced by a supernatural being? Why or why not?

Each question needs 375 words. No outside sources.

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