
4/12/22, 8(44 PMPlace Analysis Scoring Guide

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Place Analysis Scoring Guide


Identify where aproduct is sold.

Does not identifywhere a productis sold.

Identifies someaspects of where aproduct is sold.

Identifies wherea product is sold.

Identifies all areas where a productis sold, and where a potential newproduct line should be sold.

Analyze a product'sdistributionchannels.

Does not discussa product'sdistributionchannels.

Discusses someaspects of aproduct'sdistributionchannels.

Analyzes aproduct'sdistributionchannels.

Analyzes a product's distributionchannels, including which create acompetitive advantage.

Analyze placestrategy and theassociated impact oneconomic success.

Does not discussplace strategyand theassociated impacton economicsuccess.

Discusses placestrategy.

Analyzes placestrategy and theassociatedimpact oneconomicsuccess.

Analyzes place strategy and theassociated impact on economicsuccess and makesrecommendations that wouldimprove business success.

Convey purpose, inan appropriate toneand style,incorporatingsupporting evidenceand adhering toorganizational,professional, andscholarly writingstandards.

Does not conveypurpose, in anappropriate toneand style,incorporatingsupportingevidence andadhering toorganizational,professional, andwriting scholarlystandards.

Conveys purpose,in an appropriatetone or style. Clear,effectivecommunication isinhibited byinsufficientsupportingevidence and/orminimal adherenceto applicable writingstandards.

Conveyspurpose, in anappropriate toneand style,incorporatingsupportingevidence andadhering toorganizational,professional, andscholarly writingstandards.

Conveys clear purpose, in a toneand style well-suited to the intendedaudience. Supports assertions,arguments, and conclusions withrelevant, credible, and convincingevidence. Exhibits strict and nearlyflawless adherence toorganizational, professional, andscholarly writing standards,including APA style and formatting.