
4/12/22, 8(38 PMProduct Analysis Scoring Guide

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Product Analysis Scoring Guide


Analyze a product,and its target market.

Does not describea product, and itstarget market.

Describes aproduct, and itstarget market.

Analyzes aproduct, and itstarget market

Analyzes a product, and its targetmarket, including the nichecharacteristics and traits of theprimary target market.

Analyze branding ofa product, includingthe intendedaudience, packaging,and productpositioning.

Does not discussbranding of theproduct.

Discusses brandingof the product.

Analyzesbranding of theproduct,includingintendedaudience,packaging, andproductpositioning.

Analyzes branding of a product,including intended audience,packaging, and product positioning,and the influence the brand has onits product category.

Synthesize productstrategies to achievebusiness success.

Does not evaluateproduct strategiesto achievebusiness success.

Discusses productstrategies tobusiness success.

Synthesizesproductstrategies toachieve businesssuccess.

Synthesizes product strategies toachieve business success, includingevaluating why the strategies willyield success.

Convey purpose, inan appropriate toneand style,incorporatingsupporting evidenceand adhering toorganizational,professional, andscholarly writingstandards.

Does not conveypurpose, in anappropriate toneand style,incorporatingsupportingevidence andadhering toorganizational,professional, andwriting scholarlystandards.

Conveys purpose,in an appropriatetone or style. Clear,effectivecommunication isinhibited byinsufficientsupportingevidence and/orminimal adherenceto applicable writingstandards.

Conveyspurpose, in anappropriate toneand style,incorporatingsupportingevidence andadhering toorganizational,professional, andscholarly writingstandards.

Conveys clear purpose, in a toneand style well-suited to the intendedaudience. Supports assertions,arguments, and conclusions withrelevant, credible, and convincingevidence. Exhibits strict and nearlyflawless adherence toorganizational, professional, andscholarly writing standards,including APA style and formatting.