M6A2 Presentation outline

Your Presentation is due in Module 8. For this milestone assignment, please submit:

An outline of your presentation in a Word document
A brief narration of the highlights of your presentation (no more than a 1 page document properly written in APA style)
The beginning of a PowerPoint presentation. The slides should be outlined. They do not have to be complete, but all the slides should be accounted for. You do not need to include your audio recording in your slides for this milestone.
If you have the finished draft of your final paper, you can select the key points for your presentation from that draft. Your presentation will be about 15 minutes long. Therefore, you do not want more than 12-16 slides. Your ideas need to be clear and to the point. Slides should be simple and relevant. The slideshow should read like a good paper; there should be an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

A Note on your final paper:

Your final paper is due in Module 7. Though it can be challenging and time consuming, writing a final paper can bring lasting value to you. Not only does it reflect the ability to manage time effectively, final papers usually demonstrate critical thinking about a topic of specific interest to you. The paper that you were asked to write should have given you the opportunity to learn more about one area of focus, to examine in depth and communicate relevant points of interest or concern. Knowing how to organize your thoughts, develop well-supported points of view, and deliver content in a professional or academic forum is important in many lines of work and is often considered part of leadership development.

Your final paper should be 12-15 pages long. Font should be 12 point, Times New Roman. Use the American Psychological Association (APA) style (most current edition) Remember that your reference list should include at least five (5) sources that you will use as evidence to further your argument.

Use your outline to keep your paper focused. Your outline should contain the main concepts of your paper, and you can check it with your final draft to make sure you have included the key points that you want to make. Read over your draft and note changes you need to make before making them. Sometimes it helps to print out your draft and edit it by hand. You also may rewrite your draft two or three times. Make sure your concepts support your thesis, that you are using citations, and referencing your sources appropriately. Check for spelling and grammar errors. You may ask someone else to review your paper and offer feedback as well.

Finish editing the final draft of your paper. If you have not done so already, select the key points for your presentation. Draft a short outline of the key concepts and supporting facts for your presentation.

Start working on your final presentation. It can be challenging to think about how to convert your paper into a presentation. Here are some items to work on.

When you are preparing your draft for the presentation, keep in mind that your audience will rely on what you convey to them. Your ideas need to be clear and to the point. Slides should be simple and relevant. The slideshow should read like a good paper; there should be an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

You should have:

An introduction
Thesis and agenda
What to turn in:

An outline of your presentation in a Word document
A brief narration of the highlights of your presentation (no more than a 1 page document properly written in APA style)
The beginning of a PowerPoint presentation. The slides should be outlined. They do not have to be complete, but all the slides should be accounted for.
Your presentation should be about 15 minutes long. Therefore, you do not want more than 12-16 slides.