transcultural nursing

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1.    Describe the interviewees Cultural Affiliation.
a.    What cultural group(s) does the interviewee report affiliation?
b.    To what degree does the interviewee identify with the cultural group?
c.    Where was the interviewee born?
d.    Where has he or she lived?
e.    If immigrated to the U. S., what were the reasons?
2.    Present interviewees responses to three (3) questions you are to choose from one (1) of the following areas:
    Three (3) questions about health-related beliefs and practices (p. 453 & 454) OR
    Three (3) questions about nutrition (p. 454 & 455) OR
    Three (3) questions about values orientation (p. 455)
3.    Compare & contrast the interviewees answers to what is in the professional literature.
4.    What are the nursing implications for patient assessment and monitoring, and cross-cultural communication?