
After watching the videos, do you think that in 2022 that the NFL is at its core a racist organization?  Is Brian Flores right?  Was he fired for racist reasons?  Did he not get hired by a team because of racism or was it something else?  Is the Rooney Rule a good idea or does it cause more problems than it solves?  Should we look at hiring coaches in the NFL according to national demographics (African Americans make up less than 15% of the US population) or according to the amount of African American players in the NFL (70% plus)?  Should White, Hispanic, or Asian players be given their own Rooney Rule to make them more representative of the nation or should players, coaches, etc. be judged solely on their level of skills regardless of national or NFL demographics?  Is this possible in the NFL of 2022?  Please answer these questions about race in the NFL in at minimum a 1000 word essay.  Please use examples from the videos to make your arguments.