NSG 470 ANA PowerPoint example.pptx

Title of your ANA Paper

Your Name

Stratford University

NSG 470 Leadership, Management, and Contemporary Issues in Nursing

Prof. Metz

20 June 2021

You may choose any design layout, add graphics and or animation. Make sure this text box is not is your PowerPoint.


Introduce your topic

Bullet points or numbers or sentences are fine

Identify the topic (and the ANA official position, if you used your ANA position paper)

Bullet points or numbers or sentences are fine

Compare and contrast the position with other organization stances

Bullet points or numbers or sentences are fine

Describe how the selected position supports at least one QSEN competency and relevant KSA’s

Bullet points or numbers or sentences are fine

Analyze the impact of the topic on the nursing profession

Bullet points or numbers or sentences are fine

Discuss how a coach leader would promote this position/topic with novice nurses

Bullet points or numbers or sentences are fine


Bullet points or numbers or sentences are fine


Provide your references in the APA 7th ed. format

NSG 470 ANA PowerPoint Rubric.xlsx


NSG 470 ANA Powerpoint Rubric
Level of Proficiency
IntroductionConstructs well thought introduction clearly preparing reader for contents of the powerpoint (10 pts)Constructs introduction preparing reader for contents of paper. Main idea clear (8 pts)Constructs introduction with minimal preparation for contents of paper. Main idea vague (7 p)Introduction disorganized. Main idea vague or missing. 3: no introduction earns a zero (0)
Identifies the topic and the ANA official position/other contemporary issueWell-stated complete description of the topic and ANA official position/other contemporary issue (10 pts)Provides a simple description of the topic and ANA official position with little detail and limited perspective (8 pts)Good description of the topic and ANA official position with identifiable gaps (6 pts)Disorganized discription with multiple gaps. 3: no description of topic and ANA position earns a zero (0)
Compares and Contrasts the position with another federal, national, or global organizationWell-stated, detailed comparison and contrast with other organization on the same or similar position – well discussed with supporting evidence (10 pts)Provides simple comparison and contrast of the position with another organization (8 pts)Compares or contrasts position conveying little understanding of official position and applicability of the organizations (7 pts)Poor analysis of how the activity/nurse leader position impacts nursing practice with identifiable multiple gaps. 3: no comparision and contrast earns a zero (0)
Describes how the selected position supports at least one QSEN competency and relevant KSA’sWell-stated description is detailed including appropriate competency and KSA; examples given (15 pts)Description is superficial and limited in scope and details of the selected QSEN competency and KSA (13 pts)Description conveys little understanding of the official position and selected QSEN competency and KSA's (11 pts)Poor description of how the selected position supports QSEN competencies. 3: no description of QSEN and the ANA position earns a zero
Analyze the impact of the position on the nursing professionRobust analysis of the impact of the position on the nursing profession and broader public – examples (15 pts)Good analysis with gaps addressing impact of the position on the nursing profession and broader public – examples (13 pts)Superficial analysis of impact of the position on the nursing profession and broader public – did not include information; few to no examples (11 pts)Little to no analysis of the impact of the position on the nursing profession; Selection of this criteria is due to plagiarism throughout the powerpoint
Discuss how a coach leader would promote this position with novice nurses.Provides a complete discussion of the coach leader and promotion of the select position with novice nurses (10 pts)Superficial discussion of the coach leader, needs of the noivce nurse, or inclusion of the position (8 pts)Discussion lacks depth or no inclusion of the coach leader (7 pts)Selection of this criteria is due to plagiarism throughout the powerpoint
ConclusionConstructs well thought conclusion clearly summarizing contents of paper (10 pts)Constructs conclusion summarizes contents of paper. Main idea clear (8 pts)Constructs conclusion with minimal summary of contents of paper. Main idea vagueConclusion disorganized. Main idea vague or missing.
AttributionAll sources properly attributed, no plagiarism, paraphrasing and direct quotes as needed (5 pts)Sources properly attributed, no plagiarism (4 pts)Attribution present but significantly incomplete, papers contains plagiarism (3 pts)No attribution which leads to plagiarism
References per APA 7th ed. Adheres to APA format (5 pts)Adheres to APA format but lacks 1-2 elements (4 pts) Adheres to a small number of APA elements (3 pts) Does not adhere to APA elements
Time 8-10 minsAdheres to time limit (10 pts)Over >10 mins (8 pts)Under <8 mins (7 pts)less than 5 minsutes (2 pts)