IEP Meeting Synopsis Notes

 Will be submited via turn it in 

Students will be provided a case scenario for an upcoming IEP meeting. Students will write a synopsis of the points they will cover during the IEP meeting to help the team make educationally relevant decisions for the IEP. The synopsis will be based on information related to IDEA (2004), the materials read related to an IEP, and your observations from your field experience.

Terry is in the 5th grade and receiving special education services two hours a day for reading in a resource room setting. The remainder of his day is in the regular classroom where you are the General Education teacher. He is receiving instruction in all of the core curriculum areas at his grade level except reading. Decoding is difficult for him, but comprehension is not a big problem. He often works with peer support in the classroom completing science and social studies assignments. He is also able to take classroom tests orally with the assistance of a reader as an accommodation. Terrys annual IEP meeting is scheduled to be held in 10 days and you will be in the role of the General Education teacher. What guide/notes will you take to the IEP meeting to ensure there is meaningful conversations that will support Terrys progress. Remember to discuss SMART goals, accommodations, and supplementary aids and services.  In short, what will you bring to that IEP meeting to advocate for your student and ensure access to LRE and FAPE.