
Super Easy Benchmark AideThesis generator: sentence stems:

Introo Make sure you discuss the topic of ______________o Brief, one sentence summary of the source texto Mention your other sources

Thesis:Agreement: I totally agree with _____________, in that __________ (topic) is veryimportant because __________________________________.Disagreement: I disagree with __________________________, because__________(topic) is ______________________________________________.

Qualify: While _________________ has some arguments that I do/do not findcompelling, such as ____________________, I find the majority of________________’s argument on ___________( topic) in our society to be____________________________________________.

Body Paragraphs (x2)—select TWO arguments ( ONE per body paragraph) from sourcetext you wish to discuss

Topic sentence: One aspect of ____________’s argument that is particularly compellingis _____________________.

Sentence stems:

Remember to imbed or “weave” your quotes—the easiest is: Within the research, theauthor states…

According to ______________, the need for ______________ is important to societybecause ________________________________________________.

I agree/disagree because _________________________________________ .

In my research, I found _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(citearticle/Last name, pg #).

I think this agrees/disagrees with _______________, because______________________________________________________________________.

Obviously, the concept of _________( topic) is important for everyone; if we don’t____________(topic), then studies show that_________________________( citearticle/Last name, pg #).

Don't forget your Conclusion!