
Human Computer Interaction and Usability

Week 6 is dedicated to working on and completing your wireframe assignment. This is a significant research and creative effort.

This assignment is expected to produce a substantial design and document effort here along with reviewing the content in the reading section.

Bias, R. G. (2011, July). The importance of rigor in usability studies. In International Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability (pp. 255-258). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Sauro, J., & Lewis, J. R. (2011, May). When designing usability questionnaires, does it hurt to be positive?. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2215-2224).

A wireframe is a visual guide to the layout of a site, focusing only on structure, not on the site’s look and feel. 

Diagram  Description automatically generated

For example, the above image is a wireframe for a website found online. Notice that it does not include the images, and the font choice is deliberately random, to indicate that it’s just placeholder text.

That’s so that viewers will understand that they’re supposed to focus on the "framework" of the site — where the different components of the site are located relative to each other — rather than the details of the various elements.

Your set of wireframes should include mock ups for your intended using the site you evaluated for the  WEBSITE USABILITY STUDY as a INDIVIDUAL!!!

· Home page,

· Visualization heavy page,

· Text-Based Details page

I expect to see three distinct Wireframes along with a description explaining each of the wireframes.

You need to explain why you designed everything the way you did. 

You need to explain each wireframe in written format, not just submit a few graphics. If you submit the graphics alone, you will lose a significant amount of points.

Your write-ups must also be sound and grounded in usability content, not off the cuff reasoning.

To draw your wireframes, you can use Axure, Photoshop, Visio, PowerPoint etc. Make sure though it is converted into a PDF for readability when being submitted.