
CLED 815

Book Critique Assignment Instructions


As part of doctoral-level work, it is important to be able to evaluate resources. This evaluation includes an analysis of the resource within the discipline itself and an analysis of the resource from a biblical worldview perspective. As such, students are asked to demonstrate one’s ability to provide in-depth analysis through the avenue of a book critique.


Students will write a 750–1,000-word book critique over the following text:

Caro, Robert A. (1991). The means of ascent: The years of Lyndon B. Johnson II. New York, NY: Vintage Books. ISBN 978-0679733713

The assignment must be submitted in current APA formatting and should use the following example as a guide for writing.

Bibliographic Citation

This should be included at the top of the first page prior to beginning the summary section.


Summarize the themes, concepts, and principles of the book. Do not simply restate the contents of each chapter or section. In the first section, students frequently make the mistake of simply restating the contents of the various chapters they have read; this is not the intent of the Summary Section. In this section, identify the themes, concepts, and principles the author is presenting. Express these items in your own words and support them with parenthetical references where the material may be found in the text. Demonstrate that you have identified the themes, concepts, and or principles by expressing them clearly in your own words.

Note: This should be accomplished in no more than 250 words.


Critique what you have read. Most students accomplish the second section well, but remember, the instructions require more than simply, “I liked/disliked this text.” State your position on the text and support it well. If you agreed with the reading, say so, and provide support for your position. If you did not agree with the text, state that and support it equally as well. Here is an important aspect to remember: you must not state your position based upon another text. Your critique of a text must stand on the merits of the text alone.

Note: This should be accomplished in no more than 500 words.


Evaluate the book’s value in its larger academic context. Simply state/show if and how the book contributes to the field of church health. If you decide the text is beneficial, then once again, support your statement in tangible ways, and do the same if you take the reverse position,

Note: This should be accomplished in no more than 250 words.

Final notes:

This is an academic assignment. Always use spell check, and proofread your assignments before submitting.

· Use Third Person expression. Do not use First Person.

· Do not exceed the maximum word count for this assignment.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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