
Scooters for Cougars

Brooke Callonea, Jose Velasquez, Victor Hernandez, Nikolaos Minoudis

OM 435: Project Management Professor Tasooji

May 07, 2020


Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1

Executive Summary 2

Introduction 3

Scope Overview 4

Project Stakeholders 4

Project Resources 4

Project Plan 6 Phase I: Research 6 Phase II: Planning 7 Phase III: Execution 8 Phase IV: Testing 1​3

Communication and Reporting Plan 1​4

Critical Path (MS Project) 1​5

Risk Analysis 1​6

Budget 1​7

Lessons Learned 1​8

Conclusion 1​9

References 20

Appendix 2​2


Executive Summary

A team of four business students from CSUSM is launching Scooters for Cougars

in August 2020. Scooters for Cougars will bring electric scooters to campus to provide a new

transportation option for students. The business idea spurred from our observation that there are

minimal transportation options to and around campus. Electric scooters provide a fun,

eco-friendly option to the campus for everyone to enjoy. Students and faculty who live in

neighboring communities will also be able to utilize this transportation option, eliminating the

need for an expensive parking pass in their case. In this six-month project, Scooters for Cougars

will place 200 electric scooters onto the CSUSM campus and launch a supplemental mobile

application that will support rental terms and payment. The team hired two Mobile Application

Developers and one QA Developer to build the mobile application.

The business model we are pursuing entails a combination of fixed pricing for each ride

with an additional fee-per-minute charge. We strive to provide CSUSM an affordable option for

getting to and around campus that also emits significantly less greenhouse gas than other

automobile options. In this report, we provide the research that was conducted to obtain the

necessary permits, purchase equipment, and hire additional resources to execute the six-month

project. In addition, the report includes detailed information regarding the stakeholders,

communication plan, and budget of the project.


Introduction Scooters for Cougars is a new way of transportation around California State University

San Marcos (CSUSM). The project is led by students that know all too well the struggles of

getting around campus. Scooters for Cougars will give students, faculty, and visitors the option

of getting around campus and nearby locations with fast, fun, and eco-friendly scooters.

To kick off the project, the team first focused on researching the legalities of operating

scooters on CSUSM, how to obtain permits, and finding the best scooter suppliers. Finding the

right scooter supplier is crucial to ensure long-lasting scooters that can be programmed to use on

and around CSUSM. The second phase consists of solidifying permits, the business model, and

RFQs to construct charging stations for the scooters. It also includes obtaining city permits and

app developers for using the electric scooters. In the third phase, the construction of scooter

charging stations will begin. During this phase, the development of a mobile application will also

take place. The mobile application, Scooters for Cougars, will be used for customers to unlock,

reserve, and pay for using Cougar Scooters. Before the grand opening and rolling out the

scooters, testing will be conducted to ensure bugs in the application are fixed and is running how

it is supposed to. Testing will also ensure that the scooters and charging stations run and charge


The project began in the spring semester of 2020 and will be completed by the beginning

of the following fall semester. When students return to campus after the summer break, they will

be greeted by Cougar Scooters. Together, we will make a positive difference around campus by

generating additional revenue for the school and helping provide transportation in an

eco-friendly manner.


Scope Overview

Scooters for Cougars are adding electric scooters to the CSUSM campus to provide an

eco-friendly, efficient, and fun short-distance transportation option for students. Students who

utilize public transportation and/or live in neighboring complexes will be also able to utilize this

technology to get to campus.

● 200 scooters to campus for the fall semester of 2020

● 2 charging stations in various locations of the campus

● A mobile app that integrates with the scooters for billing and renting purposes

Project Stakeholders

We find that the project stakeholders will be directly connected to CSUSM and the San

Marcos Community. Stakeholders will consist of CSUSM Board of Directors, employees,

students, and visitors. These stakeholders have direct contact with CSUSM and we find to be

important stakeholders for the project. The Board of Directors is the stakeholders with the

highest impact as they are also the investors and sponsors of the project. In addition, the CSUSM

Police Department, as well as first responders, are stakeholders as they will regulate scooter

access and respond to possible accidents. The community of San Marcos has a stake in the

project as they will see scooters being brought into their city. Overall, the stakeholders will likely

have a connection to CSUSM and its future. See Appendix E for further details.

Project Resources

The resources of this project entail a team of four business students from CSUSM, two

hired Mobile Application Developers and one QA Developer to build the mobile application, and

our stakeholders. These developers will have the capabilities and software development skills to

provide front-end tools that support all platforms of mobile carriers and create attractive features

for the user's experience. The Microsoft Project version of the resource allocation plan is covered

in detail in Appendix G and provides the total labor costs for the project. The CSUSM campus

will provide the facilities, two rooms (one on or by the main campus and one near-in Extended


Learning Building), to ensure the storage and charging spaces needed to make this project a

success. To add, equipment such as chargers and scooters pose as the first purchase order of 200

items of each category, 100 for each room. Any possible license or permit needed are listed in

section ​2.2 Obtain Permits ​ of this paper and will be taken into account to guarantee legality. Not

to mention, with lots of activity on campus as well as neighboring food and market centers, these

areas serve as primary target locations to market the scooter services.


Project Plan

Phase I: Research

1.1 Hire Consultants

We have decided to partner with Wunder Mobility to help us start our journey towards

facilitating short distance mobility around CSUSM. Wunder Mobility has the tools and resources

to help us get the ball rolling in our project. We believe Wunder Mobility will be one of our key

players in helping us succeed as they are experienced and have the knowledge to guide us in the

right direction. We are excited about partnering with our consultants and to get the project to be a

success around campus.

1.2 Pricing

After researching current electric scooter ride-sharing companies, we have found that

they have a fee to unlock a scooter and after a fee-per-minute to use the scooter. Two big

competitors, Lime and Bird have a fee to start a scooter is $1 and the fee per minute can range

from $0.15-$0.30 depending on the city.

As our scooters will be used in short distances around campus, we have decided to make

the price per minute $0.30 while the initial fee being $1.25. Our scooters will be used for shorter

trips on average as they would through cities and thus we have decided to raise our fee to use

them to accommodate for less revenue from trip distance time.

1.3 Top Suppliers

Ninebot is the biggest supplier in the electric scooter market that provides scooters to

companies such as Lime, Bird, and Spin. Ninebot has merged with Segway and manufactures in

Northern Beijing, China. Bird Rides Inc was the first company to use shared electric scooters for

short-distance mobility and brought more business to Ninebot. As competitors started to join the

market, many partnered with Ninebot to supply electric scooters. To not saturate the market,

company’s looked towards competitors that could supply long-lasting, durable electric scooters.


After looking through the competition, we have decided that our top three scooter

providers would be Acton, Swagtron, and Ninebot-Segway. Acton provides electric scooters for

businesses that have features that we are looking for. Swagtron can provide us electric scooters at

a cheaper price but we would be losing out on features that Action can provide. Ninebot- Segway

is an experienced company and has different electric scooter models that we could choose from

to fit our needs. Overall, we have found these three competitors to be the best to fit our needs and

will be moving forward and conducting RFP with them.

Phase II: Planning

2.1 Solidify Business Model

The business model for Scooters for Cougars is to rent scooters to CSUSM students and

visitors who need easy, fast, and affordable transportation to and around campus. Our rental fee

includes an initial fee of $1.25, and a $.30 per minute. To make it user friendly, we will

collaborate with CSUSM, and develop an app to charge for the rentals and track our scooters.

Regarding our expenses, we need to purchase the scooters, build the charging stations, pay for

permits, develop the application (tracking app), pay for scooters routine maintenance, and hire

students to collect and recharge the scooters. After we graduate, the university will take over the

scooters, so they will be in charge of collecting revenue and paying any additional fees.

2.2 Obtain Permits

As mentioned above, Scooters for Cougars will operate as part of the university.

However, if this was a separate entity, we would need to obtain the following permits in order to

follow local, state, and federal regulations. Create a Limited Liability Company (LLC), obtain a

certificate of Occupancy, Employer Identification Number (EIN), Local Business Permit,

Insurance, Sales Taxes, and open a business account.


Permit Cost

LLC in California fee $85.00

California Business License $100.00

Certificate of Occupancy $418.00

Business Account with Chase $12.00

Employer Identification Number $75.00


Scouters for cougars will send Requests For Proposal (RFP) to industry leading and local

businesses including Ninebot and Segway. Additionally, we will ask them to submit their

Request For Quotation (RFQ). Please refer to Appendix D for the RFP and RFQ letters sent to

the vendors.

Phase III: Execution

3.1 Contractors And Suppliers Selection

After considering our top contractors and suppliers, we have concluded to partner with an

electronics company in China known as Xiaomi. Otherwise known as Ninebot-Segway, are the

suppliers that both Lime and Bird, thriving e-scooter companies have contracts with. Through

extensive research, we discovered on the biggest authorized agent of Xiaomi

products in China mainland and Hong Kong, Wuhu Muchen E-Commerce Co. LTD, and have


decided to use them as our supplier for the Xiaomi Mi M365 model scooters. This was finalized

based on the cost and status for the durability of having lower maintenance than the original

model that Lime and Bird used, the standard Xiaomi M365. has also been able to

help us locate a vendor for the specific type of chargers needed for the Mi M365 model. The

verified supplier is Shenzhen Fuyuandian Power Co., noted to have a five-star rating with a great

response rate and on-time delivery status. The prices and quantity that they offer have been

recorded as follows.

Charging Station Vendors

Charging Station

In regards to the charging process, we intend to follow other successful business’ current structure and strategy. That is to facilitate employed “Student Juicers” two designated areas or rooms to charge the scooters. It is estimated a total of 200 scooters will be a sufficient amount to start with and test the business opportunity of further expanding the numbers. One “Juicing Station” will be on or close to the main campus and the other will be in proximity to the dorms and Extended Learning building. Inside these rooms or designated areas, will have between 50 – 200: ​Imetro certified 42V 1.7A ​electric scooter ​36V ​battery chargers for the Xiaomi Mi M365 model scooter that Bird and Lime use from Ninebot.

First Issued Purchase Orders P.O.’s

Supplier: Shenzhen Fuyuandian Power Co.

Pieces: Cost: [40-119] = $8.00 per item [120-319] = $7.50 per item [320-2,999] = $7.00 per item

P.O. for 200 Chargers= Pieces: ​200 x $7.50 = $1,500.00 Additional Charges: ​Shipping ​ = ​$180.01 Total = ​$1,680.01​ for 200 Chargers needed at our Juicing Stations Consider splitting between the two rooms; 100 at each location.


Electric Scooter Prices from Vendors


Purchase Order P.O. for Scooters 333 S Twin Oaks Valley Rd, San Marcos, CA 92096

P.O. for 200 Xiaomi Mi M365: Negotiable ~ $326.00 for (x) 200 Scooters = $65,200.00

Total Budget for Scooters and Chargers

Scooters ​$65, 200 Chargers ​$1,680.01​ = ​$66,880.01

3.2 Select Application Developers Our team selected app developers willing to do the job within our budget. Since our

project may be considered small to mid-size, it was recommended that we would need two to

three developers. To minimize our costs, yet still create an efficient app, hiring two app

developers seems ideal for our business. These developers will be responsible for having

software development kits (SDK) to access various device features, tools to actualize a user

interface design (UI) for the user experience, and accommodation as well as support for cross

platforms (mobile device users). It is expected of the developer to need approximately 704 hours

of work placing us within our time frame and appropriate budget to complete the project.

3.3 Develop Mobile Application Standards in developing the mobile application consist of previously mentioned skills and

front-end development tools that are focused to enhance the overall user experience and UI. A

hybrid or cross-platform app is the type of mobile application we have hired our developers to

create. This is primarily due to the benefits this type of application has in translating onto a

majority of smartphone carriers, eliminating any restrictions on customers. More specific criteria


that our mobile application seeks to follow are;

● Onboarding – App signup process and access is simple, offer videos or tutorials that

demonstrate how to use the app and ride a scooter.

● Tracking – GPS integrated maps systems to provide and find designated or permissible

parking areas for scooters.

● Locating the scooter – With GPS in the app, tracking where people park or dropped off

the scooter will be easily recognized and cut work time.

● QR Code – This makes the process of booking a scooter and activating it simple for

anyone with a smartphone. It is quick with just the use of the mobile camera and helps

keep track of each scooter.

● Payment – Include as many secure payment options as possible to help app users pay

online (Braintree, Paypal, Stripe, and others).

● Ride history – A vital feature to have for an app that allows customers to view and record

the history of their rides they have taken in the past along with how much they were

charged for that duration.

● Push notifications – Keeps the users updated and notifies them of any news, payment

information, or tips to make sure each customer is riding safely. This is how coupons and

discounts, when available, will be relayed to the riders.

● User feedback – Adding this aspect to our mobile application will help us create a

connection with our customers. Having people leave reviews of our service and sending

them monthly or weekly surveys can ultimately help us mitigate any future risks or

discrepancies and gain recognition to perhaps even expand.

● Smart Lock – A smart lock system is an important requirement for the app and scooter

because this is ultimately the way people will be able to start and end their payment

purchase and ride.

All of these factors play an essential role in engineering a proper mobile application along with

the tech stack used for the development of our e-scooter app. That is why one of our app and QA

developer's key responsibility areas are to also make the proper selections in the technologies

they choose to integrate with our program.


Phase IV: Testing

4.1 Test Apps for Bugs

We will hire a QA developer on a contracted term, as this individual will be heavily

involved in the testing and launching phases of the mobile application. We have an hourly wage

of $40 per hour budgeted for this position. The team will begin by reaching out to our networks

to see if we can find a QA developer with a referral from a trusted source. If we cannot find a

developer this way in a timely manner, we plan to hire a freelancer through UpWork or will

consider offshoring this activity in the event there is potential for significant cost savings. We

believe this contracted term could be done remotely, so the QA developer is not required to be

local and we will not provide relocation assistance.

Scooters for Cougars will host a soft launch of the app for specific users to test the

application is working as needed. The mobile application will handle the rental and billing

information for the scooter rentals which includes entering the user’s driver’s license and bank

account information. Considering the sensitive data that will be collected, it is imperative that

users are able to successfully interact with the application in a secure manner.

4.2 Test Scooters and Charging Stations

In order to test the scooters and charging stations, Scooters for Cougars plans to hold a

soft opening with a small group of individuals to ensure the scooters and charging stations are

functioning and performing as expected. Following the soft opening, we will hold a pilot

program where we add ten bikes to the campus to gauge the campus community’s reaction to the

new transportation option and make sure the app and scooters run smoothly in implementation.

Following a successful completion of a pilot program, we will place fifty percent of our scooter

inventory to the campus and then the rest to offer a phased introduction approach.


Communication and Reporting Plan

As previously mentioned, the stakeholders that Cougars for Scooters will report to are the

CSUSM Board of Directors, CSUSM students, University Police Department, First Responders,

employees, and the San Marcos community. The stakeholders with the highest impact are the

CSUSM Board of Directors as they are the investors of the project, and as such, the team will

meet with them every month to discuss the project status and any setbacks if applicable. The next

stakeholders that will be heavily impacted by this project are the CSUSM students. We plan to

handle initial communications via the Office of Communications to feature the launch of the

scooters in a school-wide email. We will then hold a seminar to show the students how to use

the scooters and mobile application and answer any questions they may have. After the seminar,

we will host on-campus tutorials for one week of every month on Tuesdays and Thursdays

during U-Hour (12-12:50 PM). The University Police Department will additionally be affected

by the launch of electric scooters on campus. The information they will need is the speed limits

of the bikes, and will likely require “slow zones” in high-traffic areas of the campus. We will

communicate with them via monthly meetings where we discuss and agree upon parking zones

and “slow zones”. Similarly, First Responders will need to be made aware that there is a new

transportation option that could lead to injuries so they can be prepared in the case a student falls

and injures themselves. This will be a one-time notification sent to them so they are aware of the

transportation addition.

The San Marcos community will be impacted by the electric scooters as well, and we

plan to feature the launch of the scooters in the local newspaper to make the community aware.

Scooters for Cougars employees will be impacted by the project as well. We plan to address

hours and wages upon hiring the employees. Weekly communications will be broadcasted via

company meetings to address any updates and concerns. Finally, all of the stakeholders and the

public will be able to contact Scooters for Cougars via the website or through social media

platforms with any questions or concerns. The tabular form of the communication plan can be

found in the Appendix E.


Critical Path (MS Project)

The critical path of the project will take 23 weeks. The activities on the critical path do

not appear to be prolonged at this time and should be completed on schedule. The activities on

the critical path are researching scooter providers, solidifying business model/RFP and RFQ,

developing a mobile application, and testing the application for bugs. Any changes made should

be to our benefit in shortening the completion time of the project. We did not have to crash any

activities as the project timeline gave us an appropriate finish date. Overall, the project should

follow the critical path and be completed by the beginning of the fall semester. The Gantt chart,

found in Appendix C, also displays the activities which are on the critical path.


Risk Analysis

Qualitative Risk Management


Probability Insignificant (1)

Minor (2)

Moderate (3)

Major (4) Catastrophic (5)

Almost certain (>90% chance)

Scooters are viewed a safety hazard

Likely (50 90%)

Prices for scooters increase due to supply challenges in China

Moderate (10 – 50%)

Not able to obtain operational permits

App developers cannot effectively execute development of app due to performing remotely

Disruptions in supply due to imports or COVID-19 (Chinese suppliers)

Fall 2020 semester remains virtual due to COVID-19

Unlikely (3 – 10%)

The supplier sends the wrong scooter model

Scooters get stolen – however they are tracked

Team does not receive permission to use two rooms on campus for charging rooms

Change in legislation (outlaw scooters)

Rare (<3%)

Finding students to collect and charge scooters


Though there are different possible risks to the project, one risk we view as possibly

being likely are disruptions in the supply of electric scooters that are imports of Chinese

suppliers due to COVID-19. A mitigation strategy to this extreme risk is to conduct RFP and

RFQ’s with scooter suppliers in North America as well as South America. A high risk we could

potentially face is not receiving permission to use rooms to use as charging stations for the

scooters. The charging stations are needed for the operation of scooters and to mitigate this risk

we would be willing to get our second or third choice of classrooms. Another way to mitigate the

risk could be to sign a contract with CSUSM to avoid losing the room. A moderate level risk we

could encounter is the supplier sending the incorrect scooter model. This risk could either be

accepted or transferred to the supplier. We could accept the risk as it is a minor as we could

hopefully still charge them at the charging stations. If we were not able to charge the incorrect

scooters, we would look to transfer the risk to the supplier. Overall, we will face risks at all

levels but by planning and being able to mitigate the risks, the project should continue on the

track to be successful.


Assuming that the University is willing to fund the project with $200,000, our group has

determined expenses that include labor, equipment, and permits. The costs for the material

resources came to a total of $66,880.0, without negotiating the price for the scooters, which

include both the costs for 200 individual chargers and Xiaomi Mi M365 scooters. In terms of

salaries and wages, for the mobile app developers, we came up with an estimate of

approximately forty to sixty dollars per hour. Therefore, the group decided to hire two freelance

app developers for a rate of $45.00 each hourly. Our team also advised and hired a QA developer

for an hourly rate of $40.00. Having a quality assurance engineer to monitor the stages in

developing the software and standards set by the company as well as customers is essential to the

app's effectiveness. As mentioned in the ​Project Resources ​ section, this project may incur risks

or uncalculated costs and require permits. Listed in the chart was our team's initial estimate of


the budget allocation, and the final total cost we calculated from research to fund this project.

Lessons Learned

While executing the Scooters for Cougars project, our team identified several lessons that

can be applied to future projects. The following lessons learned will be recorded in our team’s


● All the parties involved are responsible for defining the project scope to avoid scope


● All parties should share any updates or new information to avoid any miscommunication

● Make sure the team roles are clear to everyone

● Identify and communicate possible changes as soon as possible

● Use weekly updates on project process to avoid any unpleasant surprises

● Request city and state permit as soon as possible to avoid any delays

● Finding and selecting a web developer is a lengthy process, plan appropriately

● Unexpected events such as a natural disaster or pandemic can delay the project’s



The innovative project Scooters for Cougars developed by four graduating business

students will provide easier, faster, and fun transportation for CSUSM’s students, faculty, and

visitors. Furthermore, the 200 eco-friendly electric scooters will help preserve our environment.

Having the electric scooters available will prevent some students from having to purchase the


expensive parking permits, but will still generate revenue for the university. In the following

years, the university can increase the number of scooters, and adjust the rental fee, if needed.

The success of this project is crucial because we hope that other campuses and institutions adopt

this idea for their use. With that said, our goal was to make sure that all the project sponsors and

stakeholders are happy and satisfied with the outcome.



UpWork – Talent in Demand:





Wunder Mobility – Fleet:

The Zebra – Bird and Lime Pricing:

The Verge – Price Increases:

8 Ultimate E-Scooter App Features That You Cannot Skip:

8 Ultimate E-Scooter App Features That You Cannot Skip

2019 New Design Xiaomi M365 Pro Foldable Skateboard Electric Scooters:


Who Makes BIRD and Lime Scooters?:

Shenzhen Fuyuandian Power Co., Ltd.:


Who Charges All Those Electric Scooters? Follow A Nocturnal 'Juicer':





Appendix: A

​Statement of Work

Client name CSUSM

Client’s administrator Matthew Tasooji

Project name Alternate transportation on campus

Engagement duration 5 months

Begin date 3/2/2020

End date 8/14/2020

Scope Overview

Adding electric scooters to the CSUSM campus to provide an eco-friendly, efficient, and fun short-distance transportation option for students. Students who utilize public transportation and/or live in neighboring complexes will be also able to utilize this technology to get to campus.

● 200 scooters to campus for the fall semester of 2020 ● 2 charging stations in various locations of the campus ● Mobile app that integrates with the scooters for billing and renting purposes


Resources Required

● Funding: $200,000

● People: 4

● Equipment: charging stations (rooms) and scooters

● Additional Resources: 2 mobile developers, 1 QA developer, and contractors for

construction of charging stations


Business Case

Students have few options to get to and around campus other than drive and walk far distances. Electric scooters aid students in getting to their next class faster and promotes the use of a green alternative. We believe this commitment-free, streamlined option will benefit the university, the students, and the planet alike. There is an estimated 30% profit margin, which will be invested directly back into the upkeep of the equipment as well as future developments on campus as CSUSM is a non-profit organization.


There are several electric scooter brands currently operating across the nation and in other countries, none however, provide services strictly for university campuses. Scooters for Cougars will be the most used and renowned public transportation service that makes a student’s life more comfortable. The guarantee from this company to its customers is affordability in price, time efficiency, and safety along with comfort in getting from point A to point B easier. For people already adapting to the more modern and eco-friendlier lifestyle, this can become not only a lifesaver, but a luxury that is inexpensive to use.

Assumptions ● CSUSM will assist in providing charging station locations/rooms on campus. ● Team will find three developers to build mobile applications and perform quality testing. ● Scooter regulations stay consistent for at least the next year. ● CSUSM Board of Directors will invest in the project and provide capital.

Change Management Process Changes in the project scope will be handled by collectively voting on new changes. We will analyze contingencies in new information and decide whether to change the work being done.

Professional Services Agreement CSUSM will own Scooters for Cougars when the project is completed and will be responsible for the upkeep, maintenance, and replacing scooters as well as charging stations. CSUSM will also own and operate the mobile application and be responsible for keeping it running. CSUSM will be given professional references for maintenance and upgrades of both the scooters and charging stations.


Appendix: B

SWOT Analysis


● Association with University represents opportunity for capital funds.

● Facilities and Land-Campus’. ● Human Resources (Emergency,

Support Staff, Advisors, Security, etc…), On-site Police Department

● Advantage of creating more jobs for students.


● Patent or Copyrights ● Trademark ● Access to raw materials or other



● Market Trend = in style, modern, easy, accessible, fulfilling a need and want.

● Can financially impact on-campus cash flow. Local Transportation.

● Relationship with new partners and big companies like Lime, Bird, and others.

○ Also with public transportation.


● Politics and Local Authorities. ● Regulations and Safety if PD does not

comply. ● Other already existing scooter

businesses (Lime, Bird…)choose to enter our borders.


Appendix: C

Project Plan



Appendix: D



Appendix: E

Communication Matrix and Stakeholder Register



Appendix: F

Balanced Scorecard


Appendix: G Resource Allocation Plan



Appendix: H

Quality Plan