

Choose either Option 1 or 2 for your Initial Posting.

Option 1. Do you identify more with Kant’s deontology or Bentham’s Utilitarianism from Chapter 5?  Is intention more important than consequences? Give an example of a difficult decision you made that you feel was the morally right decision. Was your decision based on intention, on consequences, or on a combination of both? 

Option 2. Refer to Box 6.3 on page 254 in your textbook. Consider the idea that rationality creates good decisions. Identify a decision you made that could have used more reason (logic) to arrive at a good or moral decision or identify a decision that you made rationally that could have used more emotion. 

Directions:  Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words and should adequately answer the following asked. You should then respond to two classmates by elaborating on something said, giving clarification, or asking a question. Each response post should be between 25-50 words.  Your initial post is worth 15 points, and each response post is worth 5 points. See the Syllabus for the grading criteria.

second question

 . You may use your textbook or any other course content without citations. However, if you use info. from outside the course (online or print), please complete an MLA citation for each source used. Your chapter summary should be a minimum of 2 pages (MLA format).

In a journal format, answer or elaborate on the following:

1. Overview of Utilitarianism: In your own words, explain what you understand about utilitarianisn. If someone asked you what you studied in this chapter, what could you tell that person? What is still confusing to you?

2. Overview of Kant’s Deontology: In your own words, explain what you understand about Kant’s ethical theories. If someone asked you what you studied in this chapter, what could you tell that person? What is still confusing to you?

3. Philosophers: Compare and contrast Immanuel Kant’s and Jeremy Bentham’s theories. What is the main difference between them? Are there any similarities?

4. Reflection: Which theory do you like more–one that focuses on consequences or one that focuses on intent? Which do you think makes for a more moral society?

5. Clarification: Is there any concept that just does not make sense to you or that needs clarification?