
BCO213 – Human Resources Management Professor: Mónica Rodríguez Resist Assignment

Task: Case Study Resolution


● The word count has to be between 2000-2500 words.● Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded from the total word count.● Font: Arial 12,5 pts.● Text alignment: Justified.● Only one delivery is allowed.● Late submission won’t be accepted.● The file to upload must be in PDF format.● The file name will follow the following format: FirstNameSurname_AS1.pdf● The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.

Submission: Via Moodle

It assesses the following learning outcomes:

● Reflect on new trends and learning / training models to let the organizations not stop learning as a whole.● Reflect on the need to make changes in our way of thinking, understand and develop training plans in organizations.● Share and take into account different opinions about training in the organizations.● Create new ideas and points of view on training and development in innovative companies.● Being able to define & create a Learning Plan.

● Rubrics

Exceptional 90-100 Good 80-89 Fair 70-79 Marginal fail 60-69Knowledge &


Students demonstrateexcellent understanding ofkey concepts and usevocabulary in an entirelyappropriate manner.

Student demonstrates agood understanding of thetask and mentions somerelevant concepts anddemonstrates use of therelevant vocabulary.

Students understand thetask and provide minimumtheory and/or some use ofvocabulary.

Student understands the taskand attempts to answer thequestion but does notmention key concepts or usesa minimum amount ofrelevant vocabulary.

Application (30%) Students apply fullyrelevant knowledge fromthe topics delivered inclass.

Students apply mostlyrelevant knowledge fromthe topics delivered inclass.

Students apply somerelevant knowledge fromthe topics delivered inclass. Misunderstandingmay be evident.

Students apply little relevantknowledge from the topicsdelivered in class.Misunderstandings areevident.

Critical Thinking(30%)

Students critically assess inexcellent ways, drawingoutstanding conclusionsfrom relevant authors.

Students critically assess ingood ways, drawingconclusions from relevantauthors and references.

Students provide someinsights but stay on thesurface of the topic.References may not berelevant.

Students make little or nonecritical thinking insights, donot quote appropriateauthors, and do not providevalid sources.


Student communicatestheir ideas extremelyclearly and concisely,respecting word count,grammar and spell check

Student communicatestheir ideas clearly andconcisely, respecting wordcount, grammar and spellcheck

Students communicatetheir ideas with someclarity and concision. It maybe slightly over or underthe word count limit. Somemisspelling errors may beevident.

Students communicate theirideas in a somewhat unclearand unconscious way. Doesnot reach or does exceedword count excessively andmisspelling errors areevident.

Case description:

All experts agree that currently one of the challenges of organizations is Learning. But not only of each person that forms the organization, nor of the teams byarea or department, but on a larger scale: what and how the organization learns as a whole.

Organizations are living systems and that’s why they need a specific role, who has to identify learning opportunities, needs, trends and also to analyze how theorganization evolves and improves. Also in its ways of doing and existing making sure the company learns also from experience.

Therefore, the training and learning models that we have developed in organizations must begin to improve & iterate if we want to be competitive in the market.We must look into new ways and trends to obtain useful experiences and knowledge.

Tasks to do:

A) Select at least two of the five questions, and make your contribution to each of them (one contribution for each question):

1. In today's companies, should training be linked to professional and personal development?

2. In today's companies, should the criteria and tools used change when arrange/manage training?

3. In today's companies, do we continue to provide training because "you have to do it" or because "get one more degree"?

4. In today's companies, how important is the training policy? Should it be consistent with the company culture and objectives?

5. In today's companies, according to your criteria, what would you do to improve the planning of the training currently applying?

B) You work for TRADICIÓ S.A. as a Learning & Development Specialist, a company of 250 workers that distributes artisanal products and traditional food forshops and supermarkets. Is over 10 years old of activity, are in a maturity or consolidation phase, and have a 79% permanent staff between all departments.Mainly the functional areas that make up the company are: General management, administration, HR, commercial and sales, production (packaging andpackaging), quality and customer service.

For now they have focused on the sale of products to large stores, but they want to reach a potential target such as the local client and residents of thesurrounding towns. In these areas large stores do not exist and they believe that there is potential to open a market and sell their products in smallestablishments.

The company has grown so fast in the last 2 years and they ask you to design a Learning Plan adapted to the company. Please, define:

– The Learning conviction & definition for TRADICIÓ S.L.- Goals of the Learning Plan.- Methods used.- Kind of Learning approaches.

– Define the company learning actors & roles and their responsibilities.- Calendar with all learning activities & actions during the year (be specific).- Budget: Define the process of budget validation.- Define levels of priority to address employees’ requests.- Policy: specific rules to be followed.