Subject knowledge and R.E in the primary curriculum

Task: An essay reflecting on the importance of subject knowledge and the effective delivery of the National Curriculum (DfE, 2013) and Religious Education in the primary classroom. 
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*Critical analysis must be evident in all areas and paragraphs please *All claims must be backed up with evidence
1. Explain the curriculum content of National Curriculum – Core and Foundation subjects and Religious Education
2. Describe the underlying principles of teaching, planning and assessment. – Importance of subject knowledge – The effective delivery (learning and teaching) of the National Curriculum and Religious Education in the primary classroom.
Things to discuss
– The importance of subject knowledge (could also discuss cross-curricula knowledge)
-The importance of effective delivery of the National Curriculum
-The importance of Religious Education and matters surrounding that subject
-The link between subject knowledge and effective delivery of the National Curriculum (mention pedagogy) – three areas of pedagogy (debroah pope book) Core and foundation subjects within the National Curriculum (generally)
– Underlying principles of teaching (knowing when to stop the lesson and bring the children back to focus, rectifying misconceptions, inspiration, change of tone, eye contact, teaching standards)
-Underlying principles of planning (planning for assessment) Underlying principles of assessment 
-Define subject knowledge (maybe) Critiques of the National Curriculum Introduction- Define the NC and why it is important and how the three factors planning, teaching and assessment supports the NC. Teaching standards. Subject knowledge. Pedagogical content knowledge.
– The underlying principles of planning, teaching, assessment Three areas of subject t knowledge pedagogical etc (debroah pope ref.) Things to discuss
– The importance of subject knowledge (could also discuss cross-curricula knowledge)
-The importance of effective delivery of the National Curriculum –The importance of Religious Education and matters surrounding that subject -The link between subject knowledge and effective delivery of the National Curriculum (mention pedagogy) – Core and foundation subjects within the National Curriculum (generally) – Underlying principles of teaching (knowing when to stop the lesson and bring the children back to focus, rectifying misconceptions, inspiration, change of tone, eye contact, teaching standards) Underlying principles of planning (planning for assessment) Underlying principles of assessment providing for differentiation (how it links to subject knowledge and teaching) -Define curriculum – Define subject knowledge (maybe) – Critiques of the National Curriculum Introduction- Define the NC and why it is important and how the three factors planning, teaching and assessment supports the NC. Teaching standards. Subject knowledge. Pedagogical content knowledge. Body Expand on the NC and RE the history, why was it was important The underlying principles of planning, teaching, assessment Three subject t knowledge pedagogical etc Conclusions
Subject knowledge and pedagogic knowledge: ingredients for good teaching? An English perspective. Dr Jacek Wiktor Brant, Department for education – primary curriculum teachers standards 2013 (DfE) Education Endowment foundation (EEF) Reading around subject knowledge e.g. Jonathon Glazzard (learining to be a superhero/primary teacher) Reading around learning intentions . John Hattie (videos) Planning the primary national curriculum: a complete guide for trainees and teachers – Sewell (2021) Understanding subject knowledge for primary teaching- Deborah Pope (2019) Underlying principles of assessment e.g. William & Black, Robin Alexander, Geoff Petty Underlying principles of teaching e.g. Cremin & Barnes Critiques of the curriculum e.g. Sir Ken Robinson & Tim Oates & Bernstein (classification and framing) Learning to teach in the primary school e.g. Colin Richards – department for education – National curriculum (primary only) – Teachers Standards (department for education) – Department for Education (2013) The national curriculum in England: key stages 1 and 2 framework document. – The Religious Education Council of England and Wales (2013) A Curriculum Framework for teaching Religious Education in England. The religious education Council of England and Wales. -Teaching Religious Education Creatively Sally Elton-Chalcraft. – Understanding Subject Knowledge for Primary Teaching Deborah Pope* – Planning the Primary National Curriculum A complete guide for trainees and teachers Keira Sewell* – Learning to be a Primary Teacher Core Knowledge and Understanding, Jonathan Glazzard – A Guide to Early Years and Primary Teaching Dominic Wyse, Sue Rogers *** include critical analysis and evaluation (critical thinking) **** logical, coherent structure, **** define key terms with references References Reading around subject knowledge e.g. Jonathon Glazzard Reading around learning intentions . John Hattie (videos) Planning the primary national curriculum: a complete guide for trainees and teachers – Sewell (2021) & Department for Education Understanding subject knowledge for primary teaching- Deborah Pope (2019) Underlying principles of assessment e.g. William & Black, Robin Alexander, Geoff Petty Underlying principles of teaching e.g. Cremin & Barnes Critiques of the curriculum e.g. Sir Ken Robinson & Tim Oates & Bernstein (classification and framing) Learning to teach in the primary school e.g. Colin Richards – department for education – National curriculum (primary only) – Teachers Standards (department for education) – Department for Education (2013) The national curriculum in England: key stages 1 and 2 framework document. – The Religious Education Council of England and Wales (2013) A Curriculum Framework for teaching Religious Education in England. The religious education Council of England and Wales. -Teaching Religious Education Creatively Sally Elton-Chalcraft. – Understanding Subject Knowledge for Primary Teaching Deborah Pope* – Planning the Primary National Curriculum A complete guide for trainees and teachers Keira Sewell* – Learning to be a Primary Teacher Core Knowledge and Understanding, Jonathan Glazzard – A Guide to Early Years and Primary Teaching Dominic Wyse, Sue Rogers