Physical Modeling Design & Structured Query Language (SQL)


This week we focus on physical modeling design with the “representational aspects” and the “operational aspects” of the database. In the following weeks, we work in the internal DBMS specific operations and processes and how the DBMS interacts with the data, the database and the user. The translation from logical design to physical design assigns “functions” to both the machine (the DBMS) and the user. Functions such as storage and security, and additional aspects such as consistency of data and learnability are dealt with in the physical model/schema. Practically speaking, a physical schema is the SQL code used to build the database.

You can use any of the Online SQL systems discussed in class, Microsoft Access, or download and install a SQL Script Editor for your computer. A copy of the SQL code is required for this assignment. You will build the front-end for the user (DBMS) at the end of the intersession weeks.

Use SQL statements to populate your Database Relational Schema data. Implement your design by generating a file of SQL to create the code script. This should include:the creation of tables, but also (as appropriate) the creation of named, data type, and constraints. Constraints are used to limit the type of data that can go in a table. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data in the table. If there is any violation between the constraint and the data action, the action is aborted.


create statements for the database, tables, views, procedures and such, all of which focus on the structure around the data. They are part of the Data Definition Language (DDL). You’ll need to upload both the physical model ERD and the DDL SQL statements in your submission. The physical model is the logical model with the data types (int, char, varchar, date, timestamp, etc) included in the diagram (week3 diagram with data types). Let me know what platform the SQL statements are for that is, are you using SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, Amazon’s databases, Azure etc as they all have a common SQL base but have different nuances that I have to account for when I test the code. I challenge you to have both an introduction and a conclusion to your paper. attached are precious document