
W4 415 AD Agile Delivery

Review Details

Take a moment to review the details of this assignment below and gather any necessary files. Once you're ready to submit your assignment, move on to Step 2.

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to create features, user stories, enabler stories, and a team backlog for an agile IT project.

Part 1

For this assignment, read the "Running Case" in Chapters 4 and 5 of the textbook. Complete the following tasks.

1. Using the "BIT-415 Features and Benefits Matrix" template, create a list of 10 features based upon the requirements found in the "Running Case." Discuss the associated benefit hypothesis and acceptance criteria for each of the features. An example is provided in the template.

2. Using the "BIT-415 User Story and Acceptance Criteria" template, create a list of three user stories for each of the features developed in Step 1. Discuss the appropriate acceptance criteria for each of the user stories. An example is provided in the template.

3. Using the "BIT-415 Enabler Stories" template, create a list of enabler stories based upon the features defined in Step 1. Discuss the appropriate acceptance criteria for each of the enabler stories. An example is provided in the template.

Part 2

Using the "BIT-415 Team Backlog" template, create a team backlog using the features, user stories, and enabler stories developed in Part 1. Complete the template by the adding the estimate duration and priority for each user story. An example is provided in the template.

General Requirements

Submit the "BIT-415 Features and Benefits Matrix," "BIT-415 User Story and Acceptance Criteria," "BIT-415 Enabler Stories," and the "BIT-415 Team Backlog."