Responses to Clients

Accomplish 5 Use of Reflection and Advanced Reflection with Clients
Required Reading and Other Learning Activity for This Assignment:
Please see Task 1 and Task 2 below for details about required reading for this assignment.  
Required Thinking for This Assignment:
After completing the required reading, consider how you would use the skills learned to reflect statements in response to your client and to then ask questions in an effort to seek more information. 
Required Content for This Assignment:
This assignment provides a list of 8 statements (see below) that might be said by your future client.  For each statement, students are required to do 2 tasks.  Here are some readings that will assist with these 2 tasks:
1.Task 1 for each statement is to write a reflecting statements in response to your clients statement.
In order to effectively complete task 1 for each statement, please read: 
Chapter 8 with particular attention to pages 142-151 which addresses use of Reflection. 
Chapter 12 with a focus on pages 221-223 which addresses Advanced Reflection.
1.Task 2 for each statement is to write a two questions you might ask to get more information.
In order to effectively write two questions you might ask for more information, please read:
oChapter 9 which addresses Using Questions with Clients.
oChapter 10 which addresses Exploring and Discovering with Clients.
Read the following sentences one at a time.   Imagine that our client has just said sentence number 1 to you.  Then write a reflecting statement followed by two questions you might ask your client to get more information.
Repeat these instructions for statements 1-8.
1.  Your client says, No one in the neighborhood cares about the drug problem.
Write a reflecting statement followed by two questions you might ask to get more information.
2. Your client says, I just know that my teacher doesn’t like me and is going to give me a low grade.
Write a reflecting statement followed by two questions you might ask to get more information.
3. Your client says, I know that the other kids in this group will be mean to me.
Write a reflecting statement followed by two questions you might ask to get more information.
4. Your client says, The people in this agency don’t really care about the clients.
Write a reflecting statement followed by two questions you might ask to get more information.
5. Your client says, My mother had a nervous breakdown, so she can’t help how she acts.
Write a reflecting statement followed by two questions you might ask to get more information.
6. Your client says, My parents just don’t understand kids.  They won’t let me do anything.
Write a reflecting statement followed by two questions you might ask to get more information.
7. Your client says, In this family, we just don’t communicate very well.
Write a reflecting statement followed by two questions you might ask to get more information.
8. Your client says, I think the problem is that she just won’t honor my boundaries.
Write a reflecting statement followed by two questions you might ask to get more information.
Note:  The textbook is a required source for this assignment.